Who were the Conservative Coalition and what were their main concerns
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Date created
May 5, 2021
A New Conservative Movement
(16 cards)
Who were the Conservative Coalition and what were their main concerns
Why did the national debt climb?
Federal Spending outstripped the Federal revenue
What are the main ideas behind "supply-side" (2 ideas)
What factors led to Reagan's victory?
How was the Environmental Protection Agency affected?
Budget cuts
How did budget cuts fit into Reagan's plan
Reagan planned to downsize the federal government by decreasing the federal spending on social programs
What is Deregulation and why did Reagan approve of it
What type of constitutional issues were addressed during the Reagan presidency?
Discrimination, abortion, and affirmative action ; narrowed rights of arrested persons
How did Ronald Reagan become the presidential nominee?
Lost the nomination against Gerald Ford but won in 1980
Who are the Conservatives
They look to businesses and individuals to solve problems and want to keep traditional moral values
What was the agenda of the New Right? (3 major)
How did Regan use nominations to reshape the Supreme Court?
The judicial powers shifted to the right by electing conservatives in the court
What were the effects of "Reaganomics"
Who are the Liberals
They look to government to solve political, economic, and social issues and accept social change
Why did Reagan increase Defense Spending
He wanted to develop a defense system for Americans called the Strategic Defense Initiative, costed $1 trillion
Why did conservatives want to make cuts to entitlement programs
The government spending was nearly $300 billion annually on these programs and the fraudulent benefits caused resentment among taxpayers.
The Watergate Scandal
(12 cards)
What was the Watergate Scandal?
When the Nixon Administration attempted to cover up a burglary on the Democratic National Committee(DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office and apartment complex in Washington D.C.
What triggered the Senate Investigations? (Hint Date, That dude who is connections Watergate and CPR)
On March 20th, before the burglars were scheduled to be sentenced, James McCord sent a letter to the judge stating he had lied underoath and hinted that the powerful members of the Nixon Administration had been involved in the Watergate break-in
(Revelation that the White House were involved caused Senate Investigation)
What were the long-term effects of Watergate? (3 major ones)
Americans lost faith in the government, president reputation was damaged, new laws and acts were created to limit presidents power
What argument did Nixon use to try to prevent the release of the tapes?
Nixon argued that it would violate national security and the courts lacked the power to compel production of the tapes
What steps did the White House take to cover its involvement in the Watergate break-in?(Hint 3 major actions)
What was the Saturday Night Massacre, what was the goal and was it successful
What happened at the Watergate Burglary? (Date, Where, Plan of Action, Cause)
On June 17th 1972, 5 men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters and planned to photograph documents of strategies and place wire taps on telephones. This was caused because Nixon did not like to lose elections.
What was the relationship between the President & Congress (3 bullet points)
Why is the connection between the CRP & the Watergate break-in important?(Hint: the head of the burglarly)
Head of the Watergate burglary, James McCord was a former CIA BUT also the security coordinator for a group known as the Committee to Re-elect the President(CRP)
Who and What did they say at the testimony of the Senate Investigation
Who were the president's advisors(hint: 3 people and what they thought they were)
All of them thought they were above the law and caused them to cover-up their role in the Water-gate break-in and fuel the scandal
What caused Nixon to resign?
The House Judiciary Committee approved to impeach Nixon under three articles, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress for refusing to obey congressional subpoena to release the tapes
Foreign Policy After the Cold War
(11 cards)
How did Reagan's build up of the SDI affect the Soviet Union?
It pressued the economy of the Soviet Union by preventing the Soviets from receiving Western trade, loans, and technological aid
The Iran Contra Scandal
In 1983, terrorist group loyal to Iran took Americans hostage in Lebanon, which Reagan denounced Iran and urged allies not to sell arms to Iran for its war against Iraq. However, Regan approved sales of arms to Iran in exchange to release the hostages but used the profits to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, violating the Boland Amendment
Nicaragua and American Foreign Policy
In 1977 - 1979, Civil War in Nicaragua between Somoza’s(dictator) national guard and the Sandentas. The Sandentas toppled Somoza’ son, President Carter sent $83 million in economic aid along in Cuba. Regan cut all aid to the Sandentas government due to ties with Cuba and funded the Contras who were against the Sandetas. 1983 Contras armies grew to nearly 10,000 men and CIA had stationed themselves to direct without congressional approval → Boland Amendment that outlawed aid to the Contras for two years. 1990, Daniel Ortega held free elections and Violeta Chamorro(Contras supported) was elected the new president
The _______ _______ _______ cut the US nuclear arsenal by 2/3
Starter Two Pack
Pamana and American Foreign Policy
In 1989 Bush sent soldiers to Panmana to overthrow and arrest Manuel Antonio Noriega on charges of drug trafficking. He had been receiving money from the CIA in 1960 but involved in international drug trade and was indicted to by US military to fly to Miami to stand trial
Ending the policy of ________ in the Cold War, Reagan accelerated the building of US military
What happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989?
When the Chinese military was ordered to slaughter Chinese protestors after they were demonstrations to end communism and move towards democracy
What were the two programs President Gorbachev initiates?
Persian Gulf War
On August 2nd 1990, Saddam Hussein ordered Iraqi troops to invade Kuwait, loot Kuwait, head towards Saudi Arabia, known as ½ of the world's oil reserves, which would threaten US oil supplies. With help Congress and United Nations, President Bush launched Operation Desert Storm to librate Kuwait from Iraqi control. On January 16th 1991, US staged air assault on Iraq and on February 1991, launched successful ground offensive from Saudi Arabia. By end of February, Operation Desert Storm was over and Kuwait was liberated
Grenada and American Foreign Policy
US used military force after noting that Grenada was developing ties to Communist Cuba and Regan sent 2,000 troops to the island in 1983 and overthrew pro-Cuban government and replaced by one friendlier to the United States claiming it was necessary for security
What signaled the end of the Cold War
(8 cards)
How is transportation related to globalization?
Globalization requires transportation. It boosts trade in goods and contributes to the global economy through air, railway, trucks, sea, etc.
How is communication related to globalization?
This is an important factor of globalization. It allows individuals from different countries, ethnicities, languages, cultural attitudes and other variations must understand one another and express themselves to another effectively in order to work together
How is international markets and globalization related?
Globalization resulted in the greater inter-connectedness among markets around the world and has increase communication and awareness of business opportunities.
How is free trade/trade barriers related to globalization?
Free trade promotes global economic growth; creates jobs, make companies more competitive, and lowers prices for consumers
Trade barriers like taxes on imports in developed economies lead to overproduction and dumping on world markets.
How are global and international trade related to globalization?
The increase of international trade has been a result of globalization. International trade stimulates economic growth of countries that are interconnected by globalization.
What is globalization?
An economic process that involves interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. This can advance transportation and communication technology with the increased global interactions comes the growth of international trade, ideas, and culture. However conflicts and diplomacy arise from this
How is cultural homogenization related to globalization?
Cultural homogenization is an aspect of cultural globalization and is listed as one of its characteristics. Cultural homogenization refers to the reduction of cultural diversity through popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols(ideas and values)
How is immigration and globalization related?
Globalization has made immigration easier through better communications and information through mass media and improved transportation among others
The War on Terrorism
(16 cards)
What was the War on Terror?
It called for aggressive military action to combat terrorism, leading to controversial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
What was the War in Iraq?
March 2003: U.S. forces invaded Iraq. In 2003 Saddam was captured, later executed and in 2005, free election took place for 1st time, but war dragged on and support in U.S. decline with WMD never found
What was the aftermath of 9/11
The Bush administration shifted attention toward combat terrorism. Many Americans willing to give up freedom for increased security since there was a new sense of vulnerability
What was the War in Afghanistan?
After 9/11, Bush asked Taliban to turn over bin Laden but they refused, so the U.S. formed coalition to overthrow Taliban and capture bin Laden. In October 2001, U.S. and British forces bombed Al Qaeda sites along with Anti-Talilban
Islamic extremist
What did the U.S. do to respond to the terrorist attacks
What was the resentment that bin Laden had towards the U.S.
Against U.S. soldiers stationed in Middle East and U.S. supported Israel
What impact did the new domestic security measures have on Americans?
What were the 9/11 attacks?
Al Qaeda hijacked 4 commercial airliners with 2 planes striking the World Trade Center. The 3rd plane struck the Pentagon and 4th plane crashed in field near Pittsburgh, PA. It killed about 3,000 people at Twin Towers, nearly 200 at the Pentagon, and 40 on the plane that crash in PA
Islamic extremist attacks
What was the USA PATRIOT ACT
Sought to protect the US from future acts of terror by expanding domestic surveillance programs and permitting the use of enhanced interrogation techniques to extract information from detainees after 9/11.
What did bin Laden declare in 1988?
He stated that Muslims had duty to kill Americans & their allies and did not represent Muslims, but spoke to feeling of many Muslims that U.S. did not respect them
Who were the Taliban?
They ruled Afghanistan since Soviets left in 1980s. They are ultra-conservative Muslim fundamentalist
Who was Osama bin Laden
He was the leader of Al Qaeda and a wealth Saudi Arabian, Islamic extremist who had been in Afghanistan in the 1980s during Soviet Invasion but felt betray by U.S. after Afghan-Soviet war. He ran Al Qaeda from Afghanistan
What were the "Axis of Evil" occurring to President Bush?
They were Iraq, Iran, and North Korea since they had WMD: biological, chemical, nuclear weapons. Iraq's Saddam Hussein refused entry to UN weapons inspectors --> War on terror expanded to Iraq
What impacts did 9/11 have on the U.S.
Many questioned safety, ralled and support one another, and a new sense of patriotism