DAG \(G\) is a causal Bayesian network compatible with \(\bm{P*}\) \(\iff\) 3 conditions
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Date created
Aug 9, 2020
Chapter 1
(8 cards)
DAG \(G\) is a causal Bayesian network compatible with \(\bm{P*}\) \(\iff\) 3 conditions
\(\forall P_x \in P_*\)
Probability function P is Markov relative to DAG G
P admits the factorization
$$P(x_1, \ldots, x_n) = \prod_{i=1}^n P(x_i | pa_i)$$
relative to G
Markovian model
Causal diagram is acyclic and error terms are jointly independent
3-step procedure to calculate counterfactuals
Semi-Markovian model
Causal diagram is acyclic
Graphoid axioms
Causal Bayesian network \(\implies\) 2 properties
Truncated factorization of causal Bayesian network
$$P_x(v) = \prod_{\{i | V_i \notin X \}} P(v_i | pa_i)$$
for all \(v\) consistent with \(x\)
Chapter 2
(4 cards)
do Calculus rule 3
Insertion/deletion of actions:
\(P(y | \hat{x}, \hat{z}, w) = P(y | \hat{x}, w)\), if \((Y \perp \!\!\! \perp Z | X, W)_{G_{\overline{X},\overline{Z(W)}}}\), where \(Z(W)\) is the set of \(Z\)-nodes that are not ancestors of any \(W\)-node in \(G_{\overline{X}}\)
do Calculus rule 2
Action/observation exchange:
\(P(y | \hat{x}, \hat{z}, w) = P(y | \hat{x}, z, w)\), if \((Y \perp \!\!\! \perp Z | X, W)_{G_{\overline{X}\underline{Z}}}\)
do Calculus rule 1
Insertion/deletion of observations:
\(P(y | \hat{x}, z, w) = P(y | \hat{x}, w)\), if \((Y \perp \!\!\! \perp Z | X, W)_{G_{\overline{X}}}\)
IC (inductive causation) algorithm
Input: \(\hat{P}(\bm{v})\)
Output: Pattern compatible with \(\hat{P}\)