The five stages of brain development
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Date created
Jun 1, 2024
(97 cards)
The five stages of brain development
proliferation, migration, differentiation, mylineation, synaptogenesis
Deep dyslexia
coat for jacket
replace words with similar meaning
When should a researcher most likely decide to use an ANCOVA
Only when there is an unanticipated extraneous variable
ANCOVA: co-varying out an extraneous variable, a variable that correlates with the outcome measure.
Phenomenolistic Causality
things happened together cause one another
considerable sensory integration
reduced plasticity
smoother accurate motor sequencing
occurs at what age?
7/8 years old
Moratorium in Identity dev.
no commitment yet
Social inhibition
Task performance is compromised by the Presence of others
Haley Strategic Family Therapy
Combine Minuchin Structural with communication
Pathology results from malfunctioning hierarchy
goal: resolving current problem only by establish clear boundaries/hierarchy
technique: paradoxical intervention
Seroquel, Atypical antipsychotic, DA, 5-HT antagnist
Idiosyncrasy credit
Conform to group norm first then deviate; group is more likely to allow
Side effect of antipsychotic drugs
anticholinergic effect - blurred vision, dry eye, dry mouth, urine retention, constipation, confusion
extrapyramidal symptoms - dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia
neuroleptic malignant syndrome - muscle rigidity, altered consciousness, fever
metabolic effects - weight gain
agranulocytosis - low white blood cell count
Respondent Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
psychological phenomenon that occurs with a group of people who desire high consensus, cohesiveness, unanimity,
Risky shift
Tendency for people making more risky decision when in group
ability to function as true self in the face of familial or other pressure
Alzheimer’s symptoms in later stages
confusion, behavioral change, change in judgment
inoculation of persuasion
given mild argument against a belief then practice refuting the argument
Anaclytic Depression
lack of maternal attention during 6-8 months of age: weepiness, withdrawal, insomnia
reaction formation
behave opposite of ones true impulses; being overly caring to mask aggression
Children of divorce
age difference
gender difference
recovery time
Younger children -
more anxious, unrealistic expectations of what caused it
adapt more quickly, fewer bad memories
3-6 yo feel responsible; young girls adjust better than boys
7-12 yo feel they could have prevented but also feel hurt and critical of parents; academic drop; teen girls more vulnerable and if mother remarries. Stepmother-daughter most difficult relationship.
Recovery 3-5 years; 2/3 adjust well, 1/3 lasting trauma
Fastest brain development is at what age, what %
birth -25%
2 years - 75%
5 yo - 90%
% of adult size
Phonological dyslexia
cannot read non-words
when parent expresses their dissatisfaction or concerns through one child.
e.g., insecurity about finances - "Your extra curricular is so expensive."
Minuchin Structural
Response polarization
When in group people tend to become love extreme in their views
tolerance to one drug (e.g., benzodiazepines) also experience increased tolerance to another substance (e.g., alcohol).
multigenerational transmission process
Bowen: emotional dysfunctions in an individual result from emotional processes that have lasted in the family over multiple generations
Critical factor in deindividualization
Atypical Antipsychotics
2nd gen
fewer extrapyramidal symptoms
Minuchin Structural Family Therapy
sexual dimorphism
systematic differences between individuals of different sex
Health Belief Model
Beliefs about health influence health behaviors
perception of health and vulnerabilities and beliefs about illness influence health behavior
cant recognize faces (whole face, but can recognize parts)
Finger agnosia
Can't recognize one's own finguer
tendency to focus on one aspect; a mother is a mother and a daughter
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
speakers of different languages think differently; language influences how we think
The withdrawal of what substance can lead to death?
Alcohol and Sedatives, Anxiolytics (BZs); can also trigger autonomic hyperactivity, seizures
Who originated genogram?
no dependence
abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms
TCAs and MAOIs are highly lethal in cases of medication overdose, especially when combined with alcohol.
reciprocity hypothesis
ppl tend to like others who like them
Disjunctive task
Outcome is affected by the most effective member
Acetylcholine, Serotonin, Norepinephrine, GABA, DA
relating to what functions and disorders?
Acetylcholine: voluntary movement, learning, memory (hippocampus) - (low) Alzheimer
Serotonin: mood, appetite, sleep, sex, aggression, pain
Norepinephrine: mood regulation, stress response.
GABA: inhibiting nervous system activity and regulating anxiety
Dopamine: movement, emotions, reward and pleasure system, also certain types of movement- Parkinson's disease
- blocks MAO hyroxylase so that it cannot break down serotonin
- Effective in treating atypical depression (up appetite and sleep)
- avoid tyramine rich food: red wine, aged cheese, liver, dry sausage, picked or smoked fish or meat
According to Yalom, who are more likely to drop out from group therapy?
high somatization
high denial
Low motivation
severe pathology, low, SES, low IQ generally unlikable
overjustification hypothesis
extrinsic reward lowers intrinsic motivation (or something that was already intrinsically motivated)
If one is not differentiated, according to Bowen, this person will likely need more....
acceptance and approval from others
Cultural encapsulation
Therapist doesn't recognize cultural variation and only seeThings from his/her perspective
Generalized seizures
affects the whole brain
Always involve lost consciousness
Tonic/clonic (grand mal) - sudden loss of consciousness, follow by tonic (stiffening) and clonic activity (jerking)
absence (petit mal) - 1-30 brief change and conscious level with blinking, rolling eyes, blank stare.
Yalom- factors of effectiveness of group
cohesiveness - effectiveness
school of thoughts, leadership style, confrontation - do not contribute to effectiveness
Surface dyslexia
need to sound the word out otherwise cannot recognize word
Identity Diffusion
lack direction
not seriously considering options/values/goals
Extrapyramidal Symptoms (EPS)
Movement-related side effects of antipsychotics like dystonia and akathisia
Antipsychotics (mechanism and disorders treated)
Mechanism: block DA receptor thus reducing positive symptoms
neurocognitive disorder, delirium, Tourett's, Autism (to decrease oppositional behavior, emotional lability, irritability)
complete paralysis of the legs
complete paralysis of 4 limbs
reduce the number of times reinforcer is offered (from continuous to intermittent)
what is it
precursor to DA
partial seizure
Affect only part of the brain
simple - one of the lobes - Jacksonian, frontal lobe
Complex - impairment of consciousness, automatism (involuntary movement) lip, smacking, repeat nonsense phrase) - temporal lobe epilepsy
Name one sexual dimorphism
females have denser corpus collosum
Instrumental Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
How to determine the expected frequency in each cell in a Chi Square?
1. calculate the total number of cells - multiply the number of rows and columns (4 x 2 = 8).
2. divide the total number in the sample by the number of cells (120/8 = 15)
Lithium side effect
confusion, irregular heartbeat, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight gain, tremors
Stable coalition
when one parent sides with one child against another parent
e.g., Mrs. Collins feels Mr. Collins is too strict with Liam. So she takes sides with Liam.
Minuchin Structural
Rosenthal Effect
students perform better when teacher has high expectation
Skinnerian Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
cooperative learning classes help to ....
improve academic performance of the low-performing students but may or may not help with the high-performing students
reduce stereotype and cultural biases
Intuitive Thinking
no logic
Personal Fable
adolescent thinking - special, and rules don't apply to them - use drug w/o negative consequences
Substance withdrawal can occur in all substances except....
Hallucinogen and inhalant
Information Processing Model of Cognition
quantitative change
2-year-old can remember 2 digits and 4 year-old 4 digits
Minuchin Structural: when a child is caught between parents' conflict, and may be pressured to take a side
Gender Constancy
gender does not change with dress or behavior; attained at around 5-6 years old
Social loafing
People don't work as hard when they are part of a group
Thorndike is related to which conditioning?
Operant (aka Skinnerian, Instrumental)
Typical Antipsychotic
1st gen
extrapyramidal symptoms
Stimulus-Response Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
What is sadder but wiser
depressed person tend to make more realistic appraisal
Declarative Memory
long-term mem: Semantic and Episodic
Pavlov is related to which conditioning?
Classical Conditioning
Watson is related to which conditioning?
Classical Conditioning
Extrapyramidal Symptoms
dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia
primary memory
passive holding, no manipulation
Social facilitation
Task performance is enhanced by mere presence of others
Foreclosure in Identity dev.
made a commitment w/o exploration
e.g., father is a doctor so I become a doc.
Parkinson's disease is characterized by ....
the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (basal ganglia)
Self-serving bias
attributing our own success to internal factors (our effort, ability) and failure to external/situational factors
What does not declines with age
semantic and procedural mem;
verbal (not naming, speech comprehension and fluency)
ability to reason and use logic (but not novel problems solving)
Bowen emphasizes....
differentiation of self
multigenerational transmission process
identify patterns and issues that recur across generations
support differentiation
sleeper effect
people remembered the message, but forgot who the communicator was
Conjunctive task
Group performance limited by the least effective member
Substance intoxication can occur in all substances except....
up GABA's ability to bind to receptor
Cross-Modal Fluency
ability to imitate facial expression
when a reinforcer loses its value through overuse
identity achievement
goals and values
commitment (achievement)
What is most critical for healthy adolescent emotional development?
A physician would be likely to take the greatest care in prescribing a SSRI, tricyclic antidepressant, MAOI to someone with:
bipolar disorder - potentially trigger a manic episode
Symptoms of Alzheimer
early: memory problems, apathy, and depression
later: confusion, behavioral change, change in judgment
phenylalanine from food --> phenylalanine hydroxylase --> tyrosine -->
L-Dopa —> DA
(tyrosine —> 5-HT)
But in PKU has defective phenylalanine hydroxylase, so can't convert to tyrosine
Phenylalanine level too high, tyrosine (DA, 5-HT) too low
need to be on a low phenylalanine and low protein diet.