OPTICS reachability distance
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Oct 4, 2021
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OPTICS reachability distance
Reachability Distance of object \(p\) from core object \(q\) is the min radius value that makes \(p\) directly density-reachable from \(q\). Reachability distance is undefined if \(q\) is not a core object. Otherwise,
\(\text{Reachability-distance}_{\epsilon, \text{MinPts}}(p, q) = \max(\text{Core-distance}(q), \text{distance}(q, p))\)
Gini split
$$\text{gini}_\text{split}(T) = \frac{N_1}{N}\text{gini}(T_1) + \frac{N_2}{N}\text{gini}(T_2)$$
where \(T\) is split into two subsets \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) by an attribute. The attribute that provides the smallest \(\text{gini}_\text{split}(T)\) is chosen to split the node.
Entropy of attribute \(A\) with values \(\{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_v\}\)
$$E(A) = \sum_{j=1}^v \frac{s_{1j} + \ldots + s_{mj}}{s} I(s_{1j}, \ldots, s_{mj})$$
where \(s_{ij}\) is training examples in class \(C_i\) and attribute value \(A = a_j\)
Directly density-reachable: \(p_1 \rightarrow p_2, p_2 \rightarrow p_3, \ldots, p_{n-1} \rightarrow p_n\)
Then \(p_n\) is density-reachable from \(p_1\)
Apriori Algorithm
\(C_k\): Candidate itemset of size \(k\)
\(L_k\): Frequent itemset of size \(k\)
\(L_1\) = {frequent items}
for (\(k = 1\); \(L_k \ne \emptyset\); \(k\)++) do
\(C_{k+1}\) = candidates generated from \(L_k\)
for each transaction \(t\) in database do
incr count of all candidates in \(C_{k+1}\) contained in \(t\)
\(L_{k+1}\) = candidates in \(C_{k+1}\) with min_support
return \(\bigcup_kL_k\)
Directly density reachable core object
Core object \(p\): \(|\text{Neps}(p)| \geqslant \text{MinPts}\)
Point \(q\) directly density-reachable from \(p\) iff \(q \in \text{Neps}(p)\) and \(p\) is a core object
CBA frequent ruleitems
A ruleitem is frequent if its support is above minsup
CBA possible rule
For all ruleitems that have the same condset
, the ruleitem with the highest confidence is the possible rule of this set of ruleitems
Gini index
$$\text{gini}(T) = 1 - \sum_{j=1}^n p_j^2$$
where \(T\) contains examples from \(n\) classes and \(p_j\) is the relative frequency of class \(j\) in \(T\)
CF-tree parameters
Given \(A_1\), the set of items satisfying a succinctness constraint \(C\), any itemset \(S\) satisfying \(C\) must be based on \(A_1\), i.e., \(S\) contains a subset belonging to \(A_1\)
DBSCAN algorithm
PrefixSpan algorithm
PrefixSpan\((\alpha, i, \text{SDB}|_\alpha)\)
CBA (classification based association) steps
Information gained by branching on attribute \(A\)
$$\text{Gain}(A) = I(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_m) - E(A)$$
CBA support and confidence
$$\begin{aligned}\text{support} &= \frac{\text{rulesupCount}}{|D|} \cdot 100\%\\\text{confidence} &= \frac{\text{rulesupCount}}{\text{condsupCount}} \cdot 100\%\end{aligned}$$
Information of tuple \(\langle s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_m \rangle\) where \(i = \{1, \ldots, m\}\) are the classes
$$I(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_m) = -\sum_{i=1}^m \frac{s_i}{s} \log_2 \frac{s_i}{s}$$
CBA ruleitem and rule
Ruleitem: <condset, y>
where condset
is a set of items, \(y\) is a class label. Each ruleitem represents a rule: condset→y
All possible rules that are both frequent and accurate
Points \(p\) and \(q\) are density-reachable from \(o\), then \(p\) and \(q\) are density-connected
CBA accurate rule
A rule is accurate if its confidence is above minconf
Apriori algorithm candidate generation
\(L_{k-1}\) frequent itemsets are in order
Clustering Feature Vector
$$CF = (N, \overrightarrow{LS}, \overrightarrow{SS})$$
\(N\): Number of data points
\(LS: \sum_{i=1}^N \overrightarrow{X}_i\)
\(SS: \sum_{i=1}^N \overrightarrow{X}_i^2\)
BIRCH clustering algorithm
Maximal Proper (MP) Submatrix
Submatrix obtained by removing the last non-zero entry.
CBA condsupCount
The number of cases in \(D\) that contain condset
Constraint \(C\) is anti-monotone if when a pattern satisfies \(C\) then all of its sub-patterns do so too.
In other words, anti-monotonicity: If an itemset \(S\) violates the constraint, so does any of its supersets.
Max patterns vs Frequent Closed Patterns
Max Patterns: when supersets are infrequent
Frequent Closed Patterns: when supersets are less frequent
Data anti-monotone
Constraint \(c\) is data anti-monotone if, for a pattern \(p\), it cannot be satisfied by all items of transaction \(t\) in the \(p\)-projected database, including \(p\), then it cannot be satisfied by a subset of \(t\)'s projection on \(p\) either.
CBA rulesupCount
The number of cases in \(D\) that contain condset
and are labeled with class \(y\)
OPTICS core distance
Core distance of an object \(p\): the smallest value ϵ such that the ϵ-neighborhood of \(p\) has at least MinPts objects
$$\begin{aligned}N_\epsilon(p) &= \epsilon\text{-neighborhood of }p\end{aligned}$$
If \(\text{card}(N_\epsilon(p)) < \text{MinPts}\)
$$\text{Core-distance}_{\epsilon, \text{MinPts}}(p) = \text{Undefined}$$
$$\begin{aligned}\text{Core-distance}_{\epsilon, \text{MinPts}}(p) = \text{MinPts-distance}(p)\end{aligned}$$