Uit welke twee aspecten bestaat Resilience?
(Volgens Reich, Zautra, Hall)
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Aug 6, 2021
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Uit welke twee aspecten bestaat Resilience?
(Volgens Reich, Zautra, Hall)
In het kort: Resilience is terugkeer naar homeostase na tegenslag. Resilience bestaat uit recovery (herstel van wond) en sustainability (factoren die bijdragen aan optimisme/purpose).
First is recovery, or how well people bounce back and recover fully from challenge. People who are resilient display a greater capacity to quickly regain equilibrium physiologically, psychologically, and in social relations following stressful events.
Second, and equally important, is sustainability, or the capacity to continue forward in the face of adversity. To address this aspect of resilience we ask how well people sustain health and psychological well-being in a dynamic and challenging environment.
Whereas resilient recovery focuses on aspects of healing of wounds, sustainability calls attention to outcomes relevant to preserving valuable engagements in life’s tasks at work, in play, and in social relations.