Only instance a data attribute can be directly referenced
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Date created
Apr 2, 2024
(41 cards)
Only instance a data attribute can be directly referenced
If it is a constant (ALL CAPS)
Modeling language used to describe code
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
In Python, what do we call setters
Mutator methods
Data type that is returned from the superstring function
Number of times a function calls itself
Depth of recursion
Order of parsing
Open -> Read -> Close
What is a class
A blueprint for creating objects
Default values
How are data attributes accessed by external code
Getters and Setters
Prominent method type called in a to-string
4 Pillars of object-oriented programming
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance
Give some examples of helper functions
Equal to, compare to
Define class
Define how to create objects (instances) that possess a set of attributes and methods
Proper order of methods for an object
Init -> Helpers -> Getters -> Setters -> To-string
Class header (Identify)
Sub header (parenthesis)
Functions of the to-string
To build AND return a string that represents the state of an object
Recursive function
A function that calls itself
Inheritance relationship
"Is a" relationship
Multi-dimensional array, be able to tell each level
All list except for last level that will be data
Front: What is an array
A list of elements
What method is automatically called when an object is passed through the print function
For loops equal the array (EX: 4 for loops for 4-dimensional array)
Procedural programming
Object is a collection of procedures/functions
What a superclass is
A class from which other classes are derived
State of the function where the depth of recursion is met
Base Case - Recursive Case
In Python, what do we call getters
Accessor methods
Front: Which method types can actually refer to data attributes
Getters and Setters
Describe init function
Initializes the object's state
How a superclass data attributes and methods get incorporated into a subclass
A subclass inherits ALL of the data attributes and methods of its superclass
What method types can refer to data attributes?
Getters and setters
Whether recursion is more efficient than iteration or other functions
Always less efficient
What key is used in lists
The index
How do you create an instance of a class
You call the class using class name and pass in whatever arguments its __init__ method accepts
A list is nothing more than
A memory address
General term for initialization method
The term for a list being able to hold different data types
Indirect recursion is
When function A calls function B, and function B calls function A
How to make a function/variable private
Using double underscores before the name (e.g., "__variable")
Dot Notation
Syntax used to access attributes or methods of an object
1st argument of any definition in a class
How many for loops do you need for a 4 dimensional array?
4 for loops