1. Introduction

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2. How to read


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1. Introduction

(3 cards)

2. How to read


- Nếu câu đầu thể hiện đúng intended meaning-> Cần tìm đáp án ko thay đổi intended meaning
- Nếu câu đầu KO thể hiện đúng intended meaning-> infer the correct logic từ câu gốc, sau đó tìm kiếm câu khác thể hiện đúng intended meaning

-  không sa đà vào các phần chi tiết quá, modifier nhỏ, TẬP TRUNG Ở CORE S+V PAIR

B2: Xác định các cặp Subject + Verb, structure
- 70% các lỗi sai đều liên quan đến subject-verb

B3: Phát hiện được lỗi sai: Xét xem câu SC này test cái gì
+ Đọc 1-2 chữ ngay trước underlined và 1-2 chữ đầu đoạn underlined
++ Glance xuống đáp án để xem split test IDEA gì
++ Đánh dấu đáp án cho là sai: 
+++ Để chắc chắn lỗi sai: Bạn có dám đặt cược $50 không? Nếu không dám thì để yên. Không biết có không có nghĩa là sai

+ Tiếp tục đọc và tìm các split ở giữa đoạn và đánh dấu sai
+ Tiếp tục đọc 1-2 chữ cuối đoạn underlined và 1-2 chữ ngay sau underlined, tìm split và đánh dấu sai


B4. Loại đáp án: 

+ Nhớ để ý phần ngoài gạch chân để tìm gợi ý Pronoun, Tense
+ Correct grammar + Clear + Concise


Thứ tự ưu tiên loại lỗi sai

  1. Subject-Verb: number, meaning
  2. Parallelism
  3. Pronoun
  4. Structure
  5. Modifier
  6. Verb tense



- Trung bình 1p20s/ câu SC 

- Focus on meaning


2. Structure

(18 cards)


Part of the proposed increase in state education spending is due to higher enrollment: since students in public schools have grown steadily in number since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, have reached a record high.Part of the proposed increase in state education spending is due to higher enrollment: the number of students in public schools has grown steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, has reached a record high.

Colon (:) 

Sau colon phải là 
+ Giải thích tại sao có cái mệnh đề ĐỨNG TRƯỚC nó =>  independent clause

+ Hoặc liệt kê => có thể thêm "NAMELY/ THAT IS" sau dấu hai chấm (:) 

- Không thể follow colon (:) bằng since/ though/ etc. + clause -> dependent clause

- since/ though/ etc. nếu có thì đứng sau comma (,) chứ không phải colon (:)


Growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients ; auditors may, for instance, allow a questionable loan to remain on the books in order to maintain a bank’s profits on paper.


Clause 1 (generalization) ; clause 2 (example)

This sentence correctly joins two independent clauses with a semicolon.
- The first clause makes a generalization
- The second clause gives a particular example that supports the generalization.



1. In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.

Có "Queen Catherine" nên mới chỉ rõ 90% là King Henry muốn cưới Anne. (Nhỡ Queen muốn cưới Anne thì sao?)

2. too adj that

In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so that he could marry Anne Boleyn.

Rõ 100% nghĩa là King Henry muốn cưới Anne






1. Clause + so that + clause: Chỉ mục đích
2. S + V + so as to + V_x: Chỉ mục đích, S là đối tượng thực hiện V_x

3. S + V/tobe + so adv/adj that + clause: Quá adj ĐẾN 1 MỨC ĐỘ THAT CLAUSE - cause effect  + Extreme (quá)
4. S + V/tobe + so adv/adj as to + V_x: Quá adj NÊN - cause + effect  + Extreme (quá)

5. S + V/tobe + adv/adj enough to + V_x: Đủ để mà -Ko extreme

*So that ưu tiên hơn so as to
** Không có comma đứng đằng trước "so that"



Next month, state wildlife officials are scheduled to take over the job of increasing the wolf population in the federally designated recovery area, however the number of wolves will ultimately be dictated by the number of prey in the area.1. The new teacher, however, is lenient about using cell phones during class.

2. I don't mind that you wear shoes in the house. However, your sneakers scuffed my newly installed wood floors!

3. She was a great piano player; however, she ended up with carpal tunnel syndrome a few years ago and had to quit.

*bỏ đi câu vẫn phải make sense

1. Comma + however + comma: thường giữa subject và verb

2. However + comma: đứng đầu câu

3. Semicolon + however + comma: là trạng từ liên kết


A. Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, but there are many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.


B. Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, and there are also many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.



A. Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, but there are many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.


B. Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, and there are also many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.


A. But ở đây- có thực sự contrast?
- Ở New York có những cái museum riêng cho history và ..., 

- Ở Manhattan (New York) có những one-of-a-kind museums được mở cửa trong mùa hè

=> ko contrast


=> Luôn xem xét trạng từ thời gian, địa điểm, đối tượng, tính chất khi xét về contrast= But, whereas # surprisingly= Although/ though



4.a. In the United States one of the earliest challengers of the economic principle of free trade was Alexander Hamilton, who in 1792 advocated government policies that would encourage indigenous manufacturing but protecting it from competition from British exports.
1. I was studying when she called.
2. Unsold goods were piling up on store shelves as consumer spending slowed sharply
3. While I was studying, she called.

4. In the United States one of the earliest challengers of the economic principle of free trade was Alexander Hamilton, who in 1792 advocated government policies that would encourage indigenous manufacturing while protecting it from competition from British exports.

I. 2 việc song song TRONG QUÁ KHỨ
1/2. S + was + V_ing + When/AS S + V_ed

3. While S + was + V_ing, S + V_ed
(Contrast + simultaneity)

II. 2 việc song song BẤT CỨ THỜI GIAN
4. S + V1 + While V2_ing 

- 4.a but nối 2 động từ song song: would encourage /0/ protecting



A recent poll of elected officials suggests that candidates, when in the midst of a tough campaign, often make statements about an opponent that (they may not think) is/ tobe/ of as/ it is true.
A recent poll of elected officials suggests that candidates, when in the midst of a tough campaign, often make statements about an opponent that (they may not think) are true.

X that + (S think) + V

- Loại bỏ (S think) để chia động từ cho V

- S think THAT X + V
- S think OF X AS Nouns
- X is thought TO BE ADJ


1. It was closing up to one fourth of its stores because of poor sales

2. Blue-winged warblers are unlike most species of warbler in that it is very difficult to tell the male and female apart.


1. Because = BỞI VÌ

2. IN THAT = giải thích/ mô tả chi tiết/ định nghĩa - ở cái chỗ là

  • Blue-winged warblers khác most species of warbler: nguyên nhân là do gene của chúng khác nhau
  • Việc nó  difficult to tell the male and female apart. - ko phải là nguyên nhân khiến chúng khác nahu

1. Sales of wines declined in the late 1980s, but they began to grow again after the 1991 report that linked moderate consumption of alcohol, and particularly of red wine, with a reduced risk of heart disease.

2. He borrowed the car before the owner fixed the brakes, and crashed.


Ngoại lệ:
Trường hợp comma + and mang tính ngắt nhịp

2. comma + and: marks a pause and is necessary to prevent the reader from treating fixed and crashed as parallel.



..., but...
Although I left home twenty minutes late, I still arrived at work on time
Whereas Dartmouth is in a remote area with harsh winters, Stanford is in a large metropolitan area whose climate is mild year-round
When you return the goods, your money will be refunded
Unsold goods were piling up on store shelves as consumer spending slowed sharply
If you return the goods, your money will be refunded


- X thế này, NHƯNG Y thế kia
- Thể hiện sự thay đổi về mặt logic
Although XXX, YYY - (suprisedly)
- MẶC DÙ XXX xảy ra, YYY vẫn xảy ra
- Ngụ ý là nếu có XXX, thì bình thường sẽ không kì vọng có YYY, nhưng ở đây YYY xảy ra
Whereas XXX, YYY - (X >< Y)
- Thể hiện Contrast + Comparison
Khi XXX xảy ra, YYY cũng xảy ra 
Có thể ở nhiều thì khác nhau: quá khứ, hiện tại, tương lai

As clause 1, clause 2

- Trong khi XXX xảy ra, YYY xảy ra
- Luôn đi kèm Clause

- Nếu có điều kiện XXX xảy ra thì YYY sẽ xảy ra nhưng không biết rõ khi nào


1.a Intar, the oldest Hispanic theater company in New York, has moved away from the Spanish classics and now it draws on the works both of contemporary Hispanic authors who live abroad and of those in the United States.

2.a Mauritius was a British colony for almost 200 years, except in the domains of administration and teaching, the English language was never really spoken on the island.
1. Intar, the oldest Hispanic theater company in New York, has moved away from the Spanish classics and now draws on the works both of contemporary Hispanic authors who live abroad and of those in the United States.

2. Mauritius was a British colony for almost 200 years, but except in the domains of administration and teaching, the English language was never really spoken on the island.

1. Nối 2 mệnh đề ĐỘC LẬP bắt buộc phải có: 
- Comma (,) + Fanboys 
+ Ngược lại: nếu có Comma (,) + Fanboys thì phải có 2 mệnh đề độc lập 
- Semiconlon ";" 
- Hoặc collon ":"

2. For clause 1, clause 2: Vì lý do là + clause1, clause 2 /
- For sth, clause = for the sake of sth: vì lợi ích của sth,....

4. And: X and Y/ Clause 1, and clause 2
- 2 mệnh đề PHẢI độc lập, không liên quan gì đến nhau
- Subject nên khác nhau
5. Or: 1 trong 2 lựa chọn, ĐỘC LẬP, có xác suất  xảy ra tương nhau
6. But: common contrast (Xấu trai mà có bạn gái)
7. Yet: Very strong contrast (Gãy chân mà vẫn chạy marathon)
8. So: "as a result"


* Sau dấu 2 chấm (:), không được có fanboys đằng sau

**But, and: 
- chỉ nên kết nối 2 mệnh đề độc lập nếu khác subject
- nếu không sẽ là wordy một cách không cần thiết


1.a (Al)though exhausted from work, Sarah still played with the dogs for two hours when she got home.

1.b The two men, though not trained as pilots, were able to land the plane safely.

2.a. Certification programs for veterinary technicians require algebra, although none of the graduates I’ve met have ever used it in diagnosing or treating their patients.


1. Although/ though + adj

- (Al)though + adj, S + V: Although/ though đứng trước clause
- S, though + adj, V: Though đứng sau subject

2. Although đứng sau mệnh đề
- Chỉ có thể là although + clause


Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of a dry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago, pushing back by more than 150,000 years the earliest date when it is known that humans made stone tools.

(A) when it is known that humans made

(B) at which it is known that humans had made

(C) at which humans are known to have made

(D) that humans are known to be making

(E) of humans who were known to make


at which/ when xxxxx" : nói về TIMEFRAME xảy ra xxxxx

A. B. ->  it is known "at the date"

=> The fact is known "at the date" - sai. Mãi sau này người ta mới biết cái fact này

D. -> humans made "the date"???


B. had made at the date -> sai.

the date - thời điểm xác định-> dùng past simple 

D. to be making stone tools: cùng timeframe với humans are known => sai

to have made-> xảy ra trước khi humans are known 


Therefore, however, more over: không thể kết nối 2 mệnh đề độc lập


Run-on sentence: Dấu phảy + therefore /however/ moreover
-> Đổi thành "Chấm phảy" hoặc thêm Fanboys



Kudzu, an Asian vine that has grown rampantly in the southern United States , since it was introduced in the 1920s for thwarting soil erosion, has overrun many houses and countless acres of roadside.Kudzu, an Asian vine that has grown rampantly in the southern United States since it was introduced in the 1920s to thwart soil erosion, has overrun many houses and countless acres of roadside.

Compound-complex sentence:
1. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc KHÔNG NÊN BỊ TÁCH BIỆT KHỎI mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phảy
Clause + since clause




Even having managerial and executive abilitiesFor all his managerial and executive ability, President Hoover was often awkward and uncomfortable in his dealings with people.

1. Although/ Even though/ Though + CLAUSE
2. For/ Despite + NOUNS

Thông tin ở mệnh đề phụ thuộc làm cho thông tin ở mệnh đề chính HOÀN TOÀN BẤT NGỜ


Vd1: John ate dinner while watching TV-> John ate dinner while {he was} watching TV

Vd2: Every night, John eats dinner while watching TV -> Every night, John eats dinner while {he is} watching TV


Although, when, if, while + V_ing/ V_ed

- Subject của V_ing/ V_ed subject của mệnh đề chính
- Thì của mệnh đề giản lược cùng thì với mệnh đề chính



1.a. How mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did1.b. How mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did so

2. How and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies
-> Concise hơn

Did so -> so = pronoun -> refer đến the "islands of the West Indies"


3. S-V

(4 cards)

A. The effect of ocean white caps on global warming is one of the many aspects of the ocean environment that are not yet incorporated in any detail into the computer models used to predict how rising greenhouse gas concentrations could affect climate.

B. That ocean white caps have an effect on global warming is one of the many aspects of the ocean environment not yet having been incorporated in any detail into the computer models used for predicting


"That xxxx happens" refers 

- to THE FACT that something happens -- 

- not to the thing itself.


->  the sentence is talking about "a phenomenon that can be included in a scientific model."

THE FACT that whitecaps affect global warming is NOT "a phenomenon that can be put into a model."

• THAT ACTUAL EFFECT, on the other hand, IS a phenomenon that can be put into a model.


Singular/ plural?

1. No letters
2. No one
3. Not one

4. None of plural noun


1. No letters: plural
2. No one: singular
3. Not one: singular

4. None of plural: flexible


Singular/ Plural?
- Either/ Neither + nouns= 
- Either/ neither X or/nor Y = 
- There is/ are + Noun/ Noun_s
- Any + nouns =?



- One of the Nouns that/who -
- The only one of the Nouns that/who -


Singular/ Plural
- Either/ Neither + nouns= số ít
- Either/ neither X or/nor Y: chia theo Y

+ X or Y + Verb-> Y đứng gần Verb => chia số lượng theo Y

+ there were X or Y => X đứng gần Verb => chia số lượng theo X

- There is (are) + Noun(s)
- Any + nouns = số ít



- One of the Nouns that/who- Plural
- The only one of the Nouns that/who- Singular


<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->

10a. That twenty-one ceramic dog figurines were discovered during the excavating of a 1000 year old Hohokam village in Tempe, Arizona, has nearly doubled the number of these artifacts known to exists.

10b. Discovering Twenty-one ceramic dog figurines at the excavating of a 1000 year old Hohokam village in Tempe, Arizona, has nearly doubled the number of these artifacts known to exists.
1. Your singing in church today was nice.

2. That you sang in church today was nice.

10c. The discovery of twenty-one ceramic dog figurines during the excavation of a 1000 year old Hohokam village in Tempe, Arizona, has nearly doubled the number of these artifacts known to exists.

1. Action noun
-> refer đến cái action, không nhắc đến đối tượng thực hiện

2. That clause
-> refer đến abstract notion về cái event/ fact

3. Gerund
-> refer đến action, cần đối tượng thực hiện trong câu 

vd1. Giọng hát hay
vd2. Toàn bộ sự việc bạn hát ở nhà thờ là rất tốt
10a. Cái fact ko giúp tăng cái gì cả
10b. Không biết đối tượng thực hiện discovering
10c. Việc discovery ...giúp tăng gấp đôi số lượng


4. Modifier

(51 cards)



 1. I need something for storing CDs
1. We're going to Lisbon for visiting my ant
2. She's famous to be a good listener

3. While Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger, his courage in the face of physical threats and verbal attacks was like that of Rosa Parks for refusing to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
1. We're going to Lisbon to visit my ant
2. She's famous for being a good listener

3. While Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger, his courage in the face of physical threats and verbal attacks was not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refused to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.


for Verb-ing: thể hiện chức năng 
(function-what is it used for: "it" ở đây nằm ở thế bị động) 
1. something is used for storing CDs
For Verb-ing: thể hiện lý do 
Bổ nghĩa cho mệnh đề chính, SỰ KIỆN xảy ra "VÌ SUBJECT ĐÃ LÀM GÌ"

1. Visiting my ant-CHƯA XẢY RA, là mục đích đi đến Lisbon -> dùng "to visit my ant"

2. Cô ấy nổi tiếng vì ĐÃ LÀ 1 người lắng nghe rất tốt

3. {His courage} không thể {refuse to move back} được
. Rosa Park mới là người refuse to move...


4.A recent formed militia,consisting of lightly armed peasants and a few retired army officers, is fighting a bitterly civil war against government forces4.A recently formed militia,consisting of lightly armed peasants and a few retired army officers, is fighting a bitter civil war against government forces

1. {Recent} không thể modify cho {militia}
->thay recent = recently: modify cho {formed}

2. {bitterly} không thể modify cho {civil}
-> bitter: modify cho war

2.b. I've never heard of bees stinging dogs

3.Because of phone prices plummeting last year, many people own a mobile phone now.

4.a. Creatures of the seabed were suffering from dwindling food supplies
1. I have a picture of my cousin playing hockey.

3. It's cold in Arizona because of the westward storm coming from Pacific

4. b. Creatures of the seabed were suffering because food supplies were dwindling, possibly as a result of an increase i

4. a'. Creatures of the seabed were suffering from the diminution of food supplies

Noun + modifier

- Omit modifier
+ Câu vẫn make sense-> đúng
+ Câu không make sense-> sai: cần đổi sang dạng Noun phrase/ Clause - nghĩa tương đương Noun + modifier

4.a. core structure = creatures suffering from *food supplies* => ko make sense
- có dwindling ở đây, nhưng không change core structure



1.b. For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings known as shades with a roof of poles and arrowweed supported by posts set in a rectangle. 

2.b I bought a new car with a Ford Mustang.
3.b. My friend has a pet with a Persian cat.
1.a. For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings known as shades, each a roof of poles and arrowweed supported by posts set in a rectangle.

2.a I bought a new car, a Ford Mustang.
3.a. My friend has a pet, a Persian cat.

Appositive vs. With (Noun modifier)
- Comma + Each = Appositive: mô tả  1 đơn vị của Nouns đằng trước
- No comma + With: mô tả 1 bộ phận cấu tạo (component) Noun đằng trước

1.a. a shade = a roof + arrowweed -> each (appositive - subgroup modifier)
2.a. a Ford Mustang= a car -> appositive
3.a. a Persian cat = a pet -> appositive



3.b. In February 1995, Doris Schopper became president of the international council of Medecins sans Frontieres, “Doctors Without Borders", which is in English, the world's largest independent, international, voluntary emergency medical assistance and relief organizatiovd1: The Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel's masterpiece, can be found on the Champs de Mars
vd2: Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed many buildings, including New York's Guggenheim Museum

3.a. In February 1995, Doris Schopper became president of the international council of Medecins sans Frontieres, known in English as “Doctors Without Borders,” the world's largest independent, international, voluntary emergency medical assistance and relief organization

- theo ngay sau danh từ và bổ sung ý nghĩa cho danh từ đó
- Thường viết ngay sau dấu phảy-> thông tin không quan trọng (vd1)
- Ngoại lệ: Đứng sau động từ, không có dấu phảy -> thông tin quan trọng (vd2)
-> FLW: quan trọng vì nếu không có sẽ ko biết architect nào
-> including..modify cho buildings

3.b.  “Doctors Without Borders", which is in English, the world's largest..... organization

  • 2 modifier đứng cạnh nhau
  • Dễ bị hiểu: English là  the world's largest..... organization





2. Even though it was not illegal for the bank to share its customers' personal and financial information with an outside marketing company in return for a commission on sales, the state's attorney general accused the bank of engaging in deceptive business practices because of its failure in honoring its promise to its customers in keeping records private.

1. It's cold in Arizona because of the westward storm coming from the Pacific

2. Even though it was not illegal for the bank to share its customers' personal and financial information with an outside marketing company in return for a commission on sales, the state's attorney general accused the bank of engaging in deceptive business practices by failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep records private.

Because of Noun1, Clause: 

- Cause-Effect: 2 hành động tách biệt
- Because of V_ing: Thường sai

2. the failure to keep promises + engaging in deceptive business practices: 

- ko phải 2 hành động tách biệt => ko dùng because of

- Mô tả chính hành động "engaing in deceptive business practices" -> dùng by - mô tả How



1.a Arms act is passed to levy heavy fines on people who carry unlicensed firearm

2.a. Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting adult sea turtles.

3.a. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep from/ to advoid being stolen by invaders.
1.a. Arms act is passed to discourage random public shootings

2.b. Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting adult sea turtles.

3. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep it from being stolen by invaders.

To verb: 
- HÀNH ĐỘNG CHƯA XẢY RA, thể hiện mục đích SÂU XA trong tương lai,

- Thường modify cho ĐỘNG TỪ

1.a. Đạo luật này được thông qua, nó được mô tả là sẽ phạt nặng, chứ ĐẠO LUẬN NÀY KHÔNG NHẰM MỤC ĐÍCHPHẠT NẶNG
Mục đích của đạo luật là một cái gì đó cao cả hơn: không khuyến khích bắn súng ở nơi công cộng (1.b)

2. Yêu cầu mọi người mang turtle - excluder devices là
- mô tả cho DANH TỪ "ACT"- ĐẠO LUẬT (2.b)
- không phải mục đích của luật/ hành động saying (2.a)

II. Xác định rõ meaning: Người thì mới thể hiện mục đích, còn VẬT (things) thì không thể hiện mục đích

III. Meaning: Mục đích ở đây có hợp lý??
3.a. Sai meaning: Cái chalice tự thực hiện việc tránh, giữ nó khỏi bị stolen hoặc những người chôn cái chalice vì mục đích để tránh chính họ khỏi bị stolen
-> Cần it để clarify


1. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and excting enormous interest whenever they were put on show.

2. Once designed with its weight concentrated in a metal center, the discus used in track competition is now lined with lead around the perimeter, thereby improving stability in flight and resulting in longer throws.


Omit modifier Exception: With modifier

With + Noun + V_ing/ V_ed
- Khác với các giới từ khác: cho phép V_ing/ V_eddirect object của With



1.a It's cold in Arizona due to the westward storm coming from Pacific 

2.a. The accident is because of the rain
1.b. The traffic jam was due to (=caused by) a terrible accident at the intersection

2.b. The accident is due to the rain

Due to = caused by: only modifies NOUN.

1.a. Arizona được hình thành từ cái storm???

2.a. X + tobe because of Y:
{tobe} là linking verb: 

- không match subject với cụm giới từ "because of"



 1. Efficiency of a car or a machine:
-> Nói về hiệu quả của một cái gì đó
4+5.a The organic food industry has organized a successful grassroots campaign - by using websites, public meetings , and also mass mailings - in convincing the Department of agriculture to change the proposed federal regulations for organically grown food
4. Improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products 
-> Nói về hiệu quả được cải thiện trong quy trình converting...

4+5.b The organic food industry has organized a successful grassroots campaign - using (<=> with) websites, public meetings, and also mass mailings - that has convinced the Department of agriculture to change the proposed federal regulations for organically grown food
6 vs. 2. Japan’s population is shrinking faster than that of any other nation, with a projected decline at 17 percent during the next half century.6 vs. 2. The population of Japan is shrinking faster than that of any other nation and is projected to decline by 17 percent during the next half century.


Prepositional modifier
1. of Noun: CỦA cái gì
2. To Verb: để làm gì TRONG TƯƠNG LAI
3. for V_ing
+ vì ĐÃ làm gì
+ Để làm cái gì <=> function (passive voice)
4. V1... in Ving: V1 việc xảy ra TRONG KHI làm cái gì/ thực hiện process. V1 thuộc Ving
5. V1....by Ving: V1 xảy ra BẰNG CÁCH Ving LÀ ĐỦ, ko phải làm gì khác. Ving thuộc V1
-> they used only the websites, public meetings and mass mailings to organize the campaign, mà không phải làm gì khác
-> Họ organizing a campaign là  TRONG KHI convincing the government

-> using = with: có sử dụng ... như là một số thành phần tạo lên campaign
-> the campaign itself has convinced the government
Prepositional modifier
6. with modifier
- modify danh từ, động từ, clause
- thể hiện ý nghĩa cùng thì với main clause

6 vs.2: 
- with a projected decline during the next half century: thể hiện  tương lai -> ko thể MODIFY cho main clause ở hiện tại
- to decline -> thể hiện tương lai

1. She had not realized the extent to which the children had been affected.


2. In an effort improve the quality of patient care, Dr. Lydia Temoscho is directing one of several clinical research projects that seek to determine to what extent that psychological counseling helps to supplement the medical treatment of serious disease.


1. the extent to which + S V
2. to what extent + S V

+ the extent that/
+ to what extent that



1. Rob is unlike other students in studying2. Rob, unlike other students, studies

1. X is unlike Y + in Ving: Ambiguous
- X Ving, Y ko V_jng
- X & Y + V_ing, nhưng Y làm khác X



Presenters at the seminar, one of them who is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.Presenters at the seminar, one of whom is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.

Once numbering in the millions worldwide, wolves have declined to an estimated 200,000 in 57 countries, some 11,000 of them to be found in the lower 48 United States and Alaska.

Subgroup modifier
1. ....nouns, {some/ one} of which/whom + VERB
2. ...nouns, each/ some/ some of them + MODIFIER: Không có động từ đi kèm và không có that clause
Nếu có động từ -> 2 mệnh đề cách nhau bởi dấu phảy-> run-on sentence
* some + {number}+ of them to be V_ed: vẫn đúng

**some who/ some of them who/ some of who


A March 2000 Census Bureau survey showed that Mexico accounted for more than a quarter of all foreign-born residents of the United States, the largest share for any country to contribute since 1890, when about 30 percent of the country's foreign-born population was from Germany.


A March 2000 Census Bureau survey showed that Mexico accounted for more than a quarter of all foreign-born residents of the United States, the largest share that any country has contributed since 1890, when about 30 percent of the country's foreign-born population was from Germany.



Have sth for X to Verb 

=> X phải có nghĩa vụ phải Verb sth.


Country phải "contribute the residents" to the US??



a. For consumers and businesses making a large number of long-distance calls, the government predicts that the recent telephone rate cuts that the Federal Communications Commission has made will greatly reduce costsb. The government predicts that, for consumers and businesses that make a large number of long-distance calls, the Federal Communications Commission's recent telephone rate cuts will greatly reduce costs

c. James predicted, in a blog post, that Martin would write scandalous lies about him.

d. James predicted that, in a blog post, Martin would write scandalous lies about him.

Dangling modifier
a. Ở đây For...modifier phải modify cho hành động phía sau, nếu không sẽ bị tính là dangling modifier
-> the government is making a prediction vì lợi ích của those consumers and businesses
-> sai meaning

b. Đứng sau "that," -> For...modifier modify cho mệnh đề phía sau.

c. --> here, "in a blog post" is where james made this prediction.

d. --> here, "in a blog post" is where (according to the prediction) martin would write the lies.


1. Molten pig iron is converted into steel by the Bessemer process.

-> Manufacturing industries worldwide were revolutionized by the Bessemer process, whereby molten pig iron is converted into steel.


Method/ instrument/ tool, whereby (Nhờ cái đó mà) S + V
<-> S + V by a method/ instrument/ tool


- Đảo ngược của bywhereby = By which way/ method



Fossils of the arm of a sloth (,) found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles islands.Fossils of the arm of a sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years old, making it the earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles islands.

Non - essential modifier
- Không được chặn modifier bởi chỉ 1 comma ở phía 1 bên
- Hoặc là không có comma ở cả 2 phía, hoặc là phải có comma ở cả 2 phía



2.a This exercise equipment can be used by anyone, including an athlete or a total beginner.
1. This exercise equipment can be used by everyone, including teenagers, seniors, and people with disabilities.

2.b This exercise equipment can be used by anyone, whether an athlete or a total beginner.

1. Comma + including: ngoại lệ
- ví dụ những thứ thuộc category trước đó 

# who/ that/ which + includes: mô tả bản thân từng đối tượng trong category "bao gồm các components"

2. Nếu category trước đó là singular
+ Không dùng including....,
+ Dùng whether X, Y, or Z



1.a. The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent years, resulting from the removing of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands.

3. Since the start of space-age, orbits near Earth became littered more and more, often resulting from the intentional discarding of lens caps, packing material , fuel tanks and payload covers.
1.c. The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands.

2.b The pollution resulting from the chemical spill forced all the local residents to evacuate.

3.b. Since the start of space age, orbits near Earth have become more and more littered, often from the intentional discarding of lens caps, packing material , fuel tanks and payload covers.

1. Resulting from...
a. KHÔNG thể là adverbial modifier (modify cả mệnh đề)
- KHÔNG thể đứng sau COMMA
- S + V, resulting from...

<= Do CẢ Subject và CLAUSE lúc đó đề phải "result from...."

vd1: the rabbit population không result from cái gì cả, mà là việc increase. Nhưng nếu thay increase lên làm subject thì resulting from lại không make sense với verb của increase

b. Chỉ có thể là adjective modifier, modify Noun
3.b. often from...= adverbial modifier modify cho mệnh đề phía trước


2. {Action noun} + results in + Y


Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve metropolitan Boston.


There were concerns about public health leading to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems serving metropolitan Boston.


Xs + V vs. There are Xs + V_ing
- Xs + V: 

+ Toàn bộ Xs thực hiện hành động V

+ Main idea: Xs + V

- There are Xs + V_ing

+ Một số X thực hiện hành động V

+ Main idea: There are Xs


<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->

1.a. The first commercially successful drama to depict Black family life sympathetically and the first play by a Black woman to be produced on Broadway, in 1959 A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, won the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award and was later made into both a film and a musical.

2.a. To map Earth's interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to chart seismic waves that originate in the earth's crust and ricochet around its interior, most rapidly traveling through cold, dense regions and slower through hotter rocks.
1.b. The first commercially successful drama to depict Black family life sympathetically and the first play by a Black woman to be produced on Broadway, Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun won the New York Drama Critics’Circle Award in 1959 and was later made into both a film and a musical.

2.b. To map Earth's interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to chart seismic waves that originate in the earth's crust and ricochet around its interior, traveling most rapidly through cold, dense regions and more slowly through hotter rocks.

1. Modifier + V1 and V2
-> Modifier modifies cho cả 2 verb
a. In 1959 modify cho cả 2 động từ "won" và "was later made"-> sai

2. Adv1 + Verb O1 and adv2 O2
-> adv1 đứng đằng trước Verb, modify cho cả cụm đằng sau
a. Most rapidly đứng trước traveling-> modifier cho cả cụm đằng sau, bao gồm slower: Đã rapidly rồi còn slower
- Không song song

1.a. For members of the seventeenth century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

2.a. Neuroscientists have amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language
1.b For members of the seventeenth century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

2.b. Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language.

2.Comma + V_ing 
- Đứng cuối câu/ giữa câu: Luôn luôn
+ mô tả, bổ sung ý nghĩa (How - cách mà hành động xảy ra) 
+ thể hiện IMMEDIATE, INEVITABLE consequence
+ Không modify cho danh từ phía trước, không phải dạng rút gọn non-essential modifier

1.a. Không phải lúc nào Absolute modifier cũng đúng
- X were Y không phải là 1 method.
1.b. is best because the participle protecting begins a phrase that explains what the shields did.


2.a. drawing solid conclusions không phải là IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE/ unavoidable result của việc amassing the knowledge; các researchers phải làm nhiều thứ khác thì mới có thể draw those conclusionss

2.b. "having amassed a wealth of knowledge" đứng giữa modify cho subject: NHỜ ĐÃ tích luỹ một lượng lớn kiến thức, các nhà khoa học ĐÃ CÓ KHẢ NĂNG rút ra kết luận




5.a People that are well-informed know that Bordeaux is a French region whose most famous export is the wine, which bears its name
5.b. People who are well-informed know that Bordeaux is a French region whose most famous export is the wine that bears its name

1. That modifier:
- Không modify cho người
- The wine: luôn phải có essential modifier để xác định X

2. Comma + which modifier: non-essential 
- X , which modifier: X ko có "the"
- Bỏ comma + which modifier: câu vẫn có nghĩa

5.a. the wine, which...: sai do nếu bỏ đi thì ko biết "the wine" này là loại rượu nào

5.b. Phải dùng "the wine that bears its name" (essential modifier) - loại rượu DUY NHẤT mà lấy tên của cái vùng này


The US has the largest trade deficit of any country on Earth, other nations, such as China and Japan, holding stores of US dollars that increase each year


Absolute modifier (Noun + V_ed/ V_ing/ that clause/ Adj/ noun): 

- Mô tả/ diễn giải mệnh đề chính theo nghĩa đen

- Có thể là 1 danh từ abstract mô tả như {a result, a phenomenon, an achievement,...} hoặc 1 danh từ khác (other nations,...)



vd3: The National Association of Large Distribution Business, known as Anged, appealed to the Supreme Court in 2011, which then asked the Court of Justice for a ruling on how to apply European law covering working timesvd2: The National Association of Large Distribution Business, known as Anged, appealed to the Supreme Court in Madrid, which then asked the Court of Justice for a ruling on how to apply European law covering working times

Noun phrase + Touch rule
1. Cụm {in 2011} modify cho động từ {appeal}
-> {Supreme Court in 2011} không phải 1 noun phrase 
-> which ko thể modify cho {Supreme court in 2011}

2. {In Madrid} modify cho {Supreme Court}
-> {which} modify cho noun phrase {Supreme Court in Madrid}


1.a. One of Anne's goals is to get married. (hypothetical)
1.b. Anne says that getting married was the best thing she ever did. (not hypothetical -- she actually did this)

2.a. To take care of a pet is to have unconditional love. (abstract)
2.b. Taking care of a pet is a substantial time commitment. (not abstract -- considered in concrete terms)

3.a. To make mistakes is human. (general / abstract)
3.b. Making mistakes will cause you to receive a lower grade on your exam. (one specific instance)


TO VERB as a noun 

- abstract, hypothetical, or general instances of verb 


vs. V_ing as a noun 

- specific action, concrete term, có subject trong câu










2.b. in failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep 


3.a. Thirteen states from all regions of the country announced a plan to impose new controls on truck and bus engines' pollution by the joint adoption of emission limits that would be far stricter than the federal rules.

1. I prepared for the test by reviewing takeaways on the MGMAT forums

2.a Even though it was not illegal for the bank to share its customers' personal and financial information with an outside marketing company in return for a commission on sales, the state's attorney general accused the bank of engaging in deceptive business practices by failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep records private.

3.a. Thirteen states from all regions of the country announced a plan to impose new controls on pollution from truck and bus engines by jointly adopting emission limits that would be far stricter than the federal rules. 

2.b Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are known to be important in courtship, apparently assisting flies to taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from those of others1. I solved all the problems in OG12 in preparing for the GMAT.

2.a. Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are known to be important in courtship, apparently assisting flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their own species from others


S V1 + BY V2_ing = Bằng cách....
- Main verb: bao hàm by V_ing

- Mô tả một Method/ How mệnh đề chính xảy ra

1. Boldface clause describes HOW i prepared for the test: Chỉ cần reviewing takeaways on the MGMAT forums

2.a. by failing to honor: mô tả việc bank đã engaging in deceptive business practices như thế nào
2.b. in failing to honor: việc bank engaging in deceptive biz practices là một phần của hành động failing to honor -> sai


3.b. by the joint adoption: Không chỉ rõ ai sẽ adopt emission limits 

3.a By adopting: ....BẰNG CÁCH áp dụng đồng thời các giới hạn khí thải nghiêm ngặt hơn

S + V + In V_ing: 
- Main verb thuộc in V_ing
- S V xảy ra trong quá trình V_ing

1. solving the problems IS ACTUALLY PART OF preparing for the test.

2. tastes hydrocarbons: là một phần của hành động distinguishing their own species from others

2.b. Hydrocarbons assist flies to taste to distinguish: thể hiện mục đích của Hydrocarbons -> sai


1.c. You can build this stuff by using mud and clay.
1.a. You can build this stuff using mud and clay.
1.b. You can build this stuff with mud and clay.

1. Comma/ No comma + using: ngoại lệ
a.b. Trong context này, using = with, modify cho build
-> mud and clay chỉ là 2 trong số các thành phần tạo lên this stuff
c. by using : chỉ sử dụng mud and clay mà không sử dụng gì khác



(A) In 1850, Lucretia Mott published her Discourse on Women, arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights and for changes in the married women’s property laws.(E) In 1850, Lucretia Mott published her Discourse on Women, a treatise that argued for equal political and legal rights for women and for changes in the married women’s property laws.

Comma + Ving vs. Appositive

1. Comma + Ving
- S+ V1, V2_ing
- thể hiện 2 hành động tách biệt

2. Appositive
- S+V1, appositive
- chỉ là một hành động

1.e.c. Ở đây MD xuất bản cuốn sách này, nó chính là để đấu tranh...
1.a arguing...: không phải là inevitable consequence/ additional information của việc publishing



1.a. Being very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight was the reason that Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.

1.b When Charles Lindbergh was attempting his solo transatlantic flight, being very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane, he refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.


1c.  Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.


2.a Being a GMAT tutor makes Mike happy.

2.b Mike was being nice when he said that your hair looked good this morning.

2.c Charles’s favorite activities include eating and being lazy.



2.a.cBeing” as a verb (progressive tense)

2.b “Being” as a noun (gerund)


1.a.b. being very reluctant < very reluctant
- Do reluctant là tính từ -> ko cần being



1. You have to choose between experimentation on mice and experimentation on frogs.2. You have to choose between experimenting on mice and experimenting on frogs.

Action noun vs. V_ing (Gerund)
- Action noun được ưu tiên hơn so với Gerund trong 1 số trường hợp
- Nhưng nếu muốn thể hiện đối tượng thực hiện hành động: Gerund được ưu tiên hơn

1. {You} là người phải chọn, nhưng ko rõ người thực hiện hành động {experimentation} là ai

2. {You} vừa phải chọn, vừa phải thực hiện hành động {experimenting}



1. The accused said in his home he had all the required proof2. The accused said THAT in his home he had all the required proof
3. The accused said he had all the required proof in his home

{in his home} có thể modify cho cả mệnh đề phía trước và phía sau 
-> cần đổi thành {...said that...}/ để in his home ra phía sau



1. Being very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight was the reason that Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.

2b. The loan company announced it would soon lend money to borrowers with proven records that they do not pay back their loans on time, such a group collectively known as the subprime lending market.
2a. The loan company announced it would soon lend money to borrowers with proven records of not paying back their loans on time, a group collectively known as the subprime lending market.

Noun + That (Which/ Whom/ When/ Why) + S + V
- Phải xem Noun có phải OBJECT của Verb không

1. Lỗi văn nói
- The reason why/ that..
- The day that we met <=> we met the day??

2. Correct 
- May 10 was the day that I wasted visiting houses I couldn't afford 
<=> I wasted the day



1.a The features of the floor of the Kasei Valles on Mars look just like those at the base of Antarctic ice streams, a suggestion that flowing ice may have carved the giant Martian channels previously attributed to cataclysmic floods.

2. My blood glucose level is low, a suggestion that I should eat.
1.b The features of the floor of the Kasei Valles on Mars look just like those at the base of Antarctic ice streams, suggesting that flowing ice may have carved the giant Martian channels previously attributed to cataclysmic floods.

2. My blood glucose level is low, suggesting that I should eat.

3. James voiced the idea of going out for pizza, a suggestion that was well received by his hungry friends.

4. The coach put 2 guys in front, a strategy that failed.

Absolute modifier vs. Comma + V_ing

- Absolute modifier
+ mô tả/ diễn giải hành động của mệnh đề chính theo nghĩa đen
+ Abstract noun ≈ Main verb

- Comma + Ving
+ thể hiện immediate/inevitable consequence
+ mô tả cách mà Subject thực hiện hành động

1. Main clause
- b. The features of the floor có thể suggest sth
- a. "A looks like B" là 1 hiện tượng tự nhiên-> Nó không phải là 1 suggestion

2. "A blood glucose level" có thể suggest something, nhưng the level như thế nào không phải 1 suggestion.



1. I like Marie performing on stage last week
2. Who is the girl dropping the coffee?

3. xxxxxxxxx, previously __ing...
4. xxxxxxxxx, later __ing...
5. xxxxxxxxx, now __ing... 
6. One goal of semiconductor research is developing a silicon chip with the ability to transmit and receive light signals directly, with this development maybe one day leading to smaller, faster semiconductors.

1. I like Marie who performed on stage last week
2. Who is the girl who dropped the coffee?

Reduced relative clause: Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn
- Thì của V_ing modifier (mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn dạng chủ động) = thì của mệnh đề chính
- Ko thể rút gọn nếu:
+ nếu thì của mệnh đề quan hệ PHẢI KHÁC thì của mệnh đề chính

+ nếu có từ ngữ thể hiện timeframe khác mệnh đề chính 

5. now: chỉ được sử dụng khi có chuyển biến về mặt timeframe
- Ở đây cùng timeframe-> không nên dùng now






1. Running into the path of an oncoming bus, Tyler died in the hospital a few hours later.

2.a. California has been a natural choice of most consulting companies, being home to head offices or delivery centers of some of the world's biggest companies


1. Tyler ran into the path of an oncoming bus and died in the hospital a few hours later.

2.b. Being home to head offices or delivery centers of some of the world's biggest companies, California has been a natural choice of most consulting companies,

V_ing, Clause


- Lý giải NGUYÊN NHÂN dẫn đến mệnh đề sau nó
- Mô tả một hành động mang tính background cho main clause

1. Không cùng timeframe

2.a. {Being home} không mô tả hay là immediate consequence cho cả mệnh đề phía trước
- Being home of largest companies: DẪN ĐẾN việc California là nutural choice của consulting firms



1.a. the raising sun
2.a. During the last interglacial period, the climate on the Earth was warmer than it is today, and the consequent melting of the polar ice caps caused the sea level to raise about 60 feet above its present height. 
1.b. the rising sun
2.b. During the last interglacial period, the climate on the Earth was warmer than it is today, and the consequent melting of the polar ice caps caused the sea level to rise about 60 feet above its present height.

a. raise: (ngoại động từ) subject đang nâng cái gì đó lên -> phải có object 


b. # rise: (nội động từ) subject đang đi cao lên



4. One goal of semiconductor research is developing a silicon chip with the ability to transmit and receive light signals directly, with this development maybe one day leading to smaller, faster semiconductors.

5a. One out of every eight workers were employed in automobile-related jobs in the 1920's, with the American economy being dominated by the automobile industry.

1. I bought a belt with a removable buckle

2. I cooked dinner with my friend = accompaniment (person who is with me)
I bought a belt with my gift certificate = means (the tool I use)
I cooked dinner with three cloves of garlic = materials (the stuff I use)
I cooked dinner with great anticipation = manner (my mood)

3.Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income off $111

4.b. One goal of semiconductor research is to develop a silicon chip that can transmit and receive light signals directly, a development that mav one day lead to smaller, faster semiconductors. 

5b. In the 1920's, the automobile industry dominated the American economy, with one out of every eight workers employed in an automobile-related job.


WITH MODIFIER: sub-component or aspect of the previous observation 

1. Noun modifer: mô tả 1 bộ phận cấu tạo (component) của Noun đằng trước

2. Verb modifier: thể hiện người đồng hành, phương tiện, nguyên liệu, cách cư xử

3. Clause modifier: thêm thông tin cho mệnh đề ngay phía trước
- Comma + with: Thường modify cả mệnh đề


- With modifier: thể hiện sub-component or aspect of the previous observation, không thể hiện exactly cái được nói ở previous observation 

- Absolute/ appositive modifier: thể hiện exactly cái được nói ở previous observation 

5a. logic ngược
1/8 số công nhân được tuyển - là 1 aspect của việc the automobile industry dominated the American economy. 
-> the automobile industry dominated the American economy, with " 1/8 số công nhân được tuyển "



1.b. The success of the program to eradicate smallpox has stimulated experts to pursue what they had not previously considered possible−better control, if not eradication, of the other infections such as measles and yaws.

1.a. The success of the program to eradicate smallpox has stimulated experts to pursue something they had not previously considered possible−better control, if not eradication, of such infections as measles and yaws.

2.a You should take what is in the box.
2.b. You should take something that's in the box.


- What S + V= Tất cả những cái mà S V

- Something S + V= Một số cái mà S V

1.b. What they had not previously considered possible
=> the success đã stimulate experts to pursue TẤT CẢ những thứ mà trước đây họ ko coi là possible

# MỘT VÀI thứ mà trước đây họ coi là possible

2.a. --> you should take all of it.
2.b. --> you should take one item.


3. Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth gathering information about its size and the curvature of its surface, astronomers have made new observations that show with startling directness the large-scale geometry of the universe.


3. (Rare)

V_ing modify cho cả mệnh đề phía trước dù không có Comma

  • Nếu có comma thì hơi awkward

1. A hammer can be used to remove nails
2. A hammer can be used for removing nails


To verb (mục đích) đôi khi giống For Verb-ing (chức năng)

thường trong trường hợp câu bị động



Based on extensive genealogical research, my mother-in-law concluded that I am descended from livestockAccording to extensive genealogical research, my mother-in-law concluded that I am descended from livestock

1. P is based on Q

- would literally mean that Q is the physical foundation on which P sits. This idiom is rarely used in its strictly literal sense. 

- More often, Q is the evidence or philosophical underpinning that supports P." 


My mother in law thì KO TỒN TẠI based on cái gì cả


2. According + people/ organiztion/ information source


1. By 1960, the pilot Rolph held sixteen official international speed records, earned at a time when aviation was still so new that many of the planes he flew were of dangerously experimental design.

2. Maria collapsed on the couch, exhausted from a long day's work

- Amaqjuaq was safe from the bitter Arctic cold, sheltered in an igloo for the night.


Comma + V_ed: Passive

1. Modify cho Noun đứng trước (adj modifier)

2. Modify cả Clause (adv modifier)
- Clause mô tả hành động của Subject trong khi thực hiện V_ed modifier



Released the first Friday of every month and covering the preceding month, the Labor Department’s employment report discloses the amount of new jobs created during the reporting period and the amount of hours workedReleased the first Friday of every month and covering the preceding month, the Labor Department’s employment report discloses the number of new jobs created during the reporting period and the number of hours worked

Countable modifiers: Many, Few, Number of, Numerous

Uncountable modifiers: Much, Little, Less, Least, Amount of, Great

Modifiers for both: More, most, enough, and all




Participle (Adjactive modifier)
- Được coi là tính từ
- Adj // V_ed ....(by) // Ving, Noun....


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2a. Adopting strict drug laws normally just drives the drug trade undergroun





3.a. Genetic engineering sometimes entails plant or animal genes’ getting spliced into other species’ DNA, either to improve crop yields or for warding off insects or disease.

1. The adoption of strict drug laws normally just drives the drug trade underground
- The adoption of a child is a noble act
-> Các ideas/ hành động nói chung

2.b Swimming is an exercise
2.b Losing weight often, but not always, involves counting calories
- Adopting a child involves thorough background checks and grueling interviews
-> Process của việc nhận nuôi 1 đứa trẻ

3.a. Genetic engineering sometimes entails splicing plant or animal genes into the DNA of other species, either to improve crop yields or to ward off insects or disease.

Action nouns/ The V_ing vs. V_ing (Gerund)
1. Action noun/ The V_ing: 

- Thể hiện hành động nói chung, không nói rõ SUBJECT

2. V_ing
a. Khi CÓ subject 
-> modify cho subject hoặc hành động của subject
-> 2.a. Chỉ make sense khi đang trong một conversation có ai đó có khả năng adopt drug laws

b. Khi KHÔNG CÓ subject <=> Quy trình V_ING
- Mô tả một quy trình/ steps được sử dụng rộng rãi

3. Genetic engineering cần có 1 step/ process là splicing plant or animal genes

- plant or animal genes’ getting spliced = sở hữu cách + V_ing < V_ing = splicing plant or animal genes 


Where vs. in which 


Where vs. in which

- Nếu locate được trên bản đồ -> dùng where. Chú ý là {community, society} vẫn có thể dùng where
- Nếu không locate được trên bản đồ -> dùng in which


Noun + That modifier  # Noun + V_ing modifier 

=> Noun + having V_ed thường sai 

1.b. People having seen a certain movie1.a People who have seen a certain movie
-> will always be people who have seen that movie.

2. People working in the oil and gas industry have suffered from the recent collapse in oil prices.
-> currently working

People who work in the oil and gas industry tend to live far from cities.
(= people whose career is in oil and gas)

- That/Who/.... modifier: permanently - mô tả một hành động vĩnh cữu, không đổi hoặc là một khía cạnh cơ bản của Noun nó modify
- V_ing modifier: - currently mô tả một hành động thoáng qua, có thể thay đổi

- people who have __ed: người đã làm cái gì thì thường là permanent
- people having __ed: ám chỉ là transient/ temporary ??? 
+ đã từng làm 1 việc rồi tại sao lại là temporary
=> Noun + having V_ed thường sai



1b. I brought a box containing food and toys, which I opened for all to see

1c. I brought a box painted by hand, which I opened for all to see

1a. I brought a box of food and toys, which I opened for all to see

2. Our system of Presidential elections favors states, such as Delaware, that by population are over-represented in the Electoral College

3. Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days.


1. Touch rule: Exceptions - NounX and noun modifier đứng cách nhau bởi 

+ modifier ngắn khác 

+ vị ngữ ngắn của Noun X
+ 1 cụm giới từ của Noun X

- tuy nhiên không thể đứng cách xa NounX bởi 1 cụm modifier khác (ví dụ: Participle modifier)



1.b. In 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population when compared to 20 percent in 2000.

2.b. Mercy Otis Warren was continually at or near the center of political events from 1765 to 1789, a vantage point, when combined with her talent for writing, that made her one of the most valuable historians of the era.
1.a. In 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population, compared with 20 percent in 2000

2.a. Mercy Otis Warren was continually at or near the center of political events from 1765 to 1789, and this vantage point, combined with her talent for writing, made her one of the most valuable historians of the era.

When + V_ed/ V_ing, S + V/ If + V_ed/ V_ing, S + V
- When: thể hiện một trường hợp cụ thể -> ám chỉ sometimes S V_ing/ V_ed, sometimes không 
- If: thể hiện câu điều kiện - giả thiết -> ám chỉ Ved/ Ving là giả thiết tương lai/ không có thực ở hiện tại hoặc không có thực ở quá khứ 

1. When compared: Luôn sai
- ám chỉ nhóm này made up 35% of the pop TRONG THỜI GIAN MÀ một team đang phân tích thông tin về nhóm

2.b. Ám chỉ sometimes cái vantage point được combined with her talent, sometimes không


2. On the last page of the directory is a list of cities to which the airline flies.


1. Đại từ quan hệ: Luôn phải cấu thành lên 1 mệnh đề/ đi kèm 1 mệnh đề
- Which/ Who/ What/ That: + Verb
- When/ Where/ Prep+which/ How/ That: + Subject + Verb

2. Giới hạn 
- COMMA + WHICH ....+ COMMA: luôn có comma đứng trước WHICH ....và sau WHICH....

- TO/ WITH/... WHICH: non-essential/ essential modifier, có/ không có comma đều được

- Chỉ có Who/whom/whose modify cho người, 
- Whose modify được cho cả người và vật

- Không dùng that để modify cho người,


5. Pronoun

(21 cards)

1. Peter and Mary help each other (Peter helps Mary and Mary helps Peter)
2. We (at least 3 people) sent one another Christmas cards


The contractor and the engineer agree on the cause of the bridge failure, but each blames the other.

The contractor and the engineer agree on the cause of the bridge failure, but each blames one other.

3. John and Fred shoot each other
John and Fred shoot themself



Each other vs. One another vs. themself

Each other: 2 đối tượng
One another: Ít nhất là 3 đối tượng
Themself: Tự làm đối với bản thân



1.a. The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to it

2.a Dinosaur tracks show them walking with their feet directly under their bodies, like mammals and birds, not extended out to the side in the manner of modern reptiles.
1.b. The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to the park

2.b. The tracks that dinosaurs left show that they walked with their feet directly under their bodies, as do mammals and birds, not extended out to the side in the manner of modern reptiles.

Danh tính từ ko thể làm antecedent của pronoun

1.a. The park rangers: park ở đây được coi là tính từ, ko dùng {it} để refer đến park được
-> Nếu thấy 1 câu có danh từ và 1 câu có pronoun: Câu có danh từ thường chính xác hơn

2. Dinosaur là danh tính từ + số ít: ko thể là antecedent của they/ their

Thấy pronoun, phải xác định ngay antecedent




2b. I never read this book, but I read the other books on the shelf, such as "Right Hand, Left Hand" and "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich."

1. Recent environment regulations have banned items such as/ such items as plastic straws and single-use plastic bags
2.a. I never read this book, but I read other books on the shelf, such as "Right Hand, Left Hand" and "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich."


Such as: Đưa ví dụ
1. Nouns such as = such Nouns as

2. Ám chỉ cái nó modify là không xác định 
-> ko đi kèm với The nouns



1. Although the term "suppercomputer" may sound fanciful or exaggerated, it is simply an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second

2. According to the laws of this nation, individuals are minors until they reach the age of eighteen, although it is less than that in some countries and more than that in others
1. Although the term "suppercomputer" may sound fanciful or exaggerated, it simply refers to an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second

2. E. According to the laws of this nation, individuals are minors until they reach the age of eighteen, but the relevant age is lower in some countries and higher in others

Antecedent: Make sense

1. Supercomputer: ở đây chỉ được tính là 1 term, không thể là 1 cái mainframe
-> thay it = danh từ supper computer
-> hoặc dùng "it refers to"

2. Pronoun luôn phải refer đến CẢ cụm NOUN PHRASE -> cần xem nó có make sense hay không
-> it không thể chỉ refer đến {the age} mà phải refer đến {the age of eighteen} -> age of eighteen ở nước này thấp/ cao hơn age of eighteen ở nước kia -> Nonsense
-> Relevant age: Hiểu ở đây là độ tuổi trưởng thành nói chung


This is great


This/ these
- Không dùng this/ these mà phần đằng sau ko có noun
- 99.9% sai. Có 2 câu ngoại lệ


1. I want to go to another restaurant

Một cái nhà hàng khác chưa xác định

2. I want to go to the other restaurant

Một cái nhà hàng khác đã xác định


Another (other) vs. The other

Another (other): Cái other ở đây chưa xác định
The other: Có "the", đã xác định, chỉ có duy nhất 1 nhà hàng tôi muốn tới



1. Without knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him1. Because Maria did not know his name, it was difficult to introduce him

It was polluters, not consumers, that are the problem.

It is price levels, rather than supply and demand, that reflect consumer attitudes.

3. It was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 THAT it moved into the first rank of American newspapers,

4. Sth + is V_ed + to make it adj / keep it from V_ing / being V_ed

Placeholder IT

1. IT + description + To Verb
- IT = To verb

2. IT + description + THAT clause/ THAT Verb
- IT = That clause
- description= noun/ adverb phrase/ prep phrase

4. S + verb + IT+ XYZ + TO VERB/ THAT-clause
=> rút ngắn: đổi To verb/ THAT-clause = Danh từ ĐỐI TƯỢNG - bỏ "It"

1. IT = subject của knowing his name?


Reciprocal: Each other, one another


Reciprocal: Each other, one another
-> Có qua có lại: Tôi tác động đến anh, anh tác động đến tôi


Schistosomiasis, a disease caused by a parasitic worm, is prevalent in hot, humid climates, and it has become more widespread as irrigation projects have enlarged the habitat of the freshwater snails that are the parasite's hosts for part of its life cycle.


B. the freshwater snails that are the parasite's hosts in part of their life cycle

C. freshwater snails which become the parasite's hosts for part of its life cycles

D. freshwater snails which become the hosts of the parasite during the parasite's life cycles

E. parasite's hosts, freshwater snails which become their hosts during their life cycles


Possesive pronoun: must agree with what it possess
- Its X/ Their Xs: nếu mỗi đối tượng có một X riêng

* Phụ thuộc rất lớn vào meaning
Mỗi con parasite thì chỉ có một life cycle mà thôi
A. Its + cycle (singular)
B.C.D.E: parasite - their - cycle/ its - cycles/ parasite - cycles/ parasite - their
C.D.E. Cần có the trước freshwater snails để xác định một loại snails cụ thể



2. Fewer churches than ever before are using readings from the King James Bible, because the archaic language in such a book is difficult for many parishioners to understand.
1. I have no problem with using a standard geometry textbook; indeed, such a book is helpful in providing ready-made sets of practice problems.

such (an) X: Một cái X như vậy 
- X phải được nhắc đến ở trước đó
- X không được unique 

1. Make sense: Vì không chỉ có duy nhất một standard geometry textbook
2. Không make sense: King James Bible một unique book
-> this/ that book



A. Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.

B) compared to Germany, which uses just over 33 percent
(D) whereas just over 33 percent of the energy comes from nuclear power in Germany
(E) compared with the energy from nuclear power in Germany, where it is just over 33 percent
(C) Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany

C. Các scopes lớn đều giữ nguyên
A.B.E. 33% of WHAT???
33% of {the energy produced in France} 
- cái duy nhất có thể coi là omitted ở phía trước

Pronoun (it/ they/ her....) / The X
-> Phải refer đến 1 cái đã xác định

A.D. It/ {The energy}= the energy produced in France -> ko make sense

B. compared to Germany: không thể compare vs cái gì ở vế trước; 
France bị trói buộc trong "IN France" nên không thể tách ra để compared với Germany
- France cũng KHÔNG use anything
- Germany cũng ko use 33% energy produced in France

C. "The energy" ở đây có modifier là "produced in Germany" rồi nên không ambiguous -> đúng



1.a Now the fourth most important crop worldwide after wheat, rice, and corn, potatoes are expected to supply even a larger share of the world's nutritional requirements in the next century if genetic engineering can increase its immunity to disease and expand its range of growing habitats.

2.a. Though being tiny, blind, and translucent, a recently discovered species of catfish lessens their vulnerability with thickened bones and armor plates on their sides.
1.b. Now the fourth most important crop worldwide after wheat, rice, and corn, the potato is expected to supply an even larger share of the world's nutritional requirements in the next century if genetic engineering can increase its immunity to disease and expand its range of growing habitats.

2.b. Though tiny, blind, and translucent, a recently discovered species of catfish has thickened bones and armor plates on its sides that lessen its vulnerability.

Plural vs. Singular (Pronouns/ Nouns/ Verb)
Cần tìm trợ giúp ở phần bên ngoài gạch chân. Ví dụ: 
- Pronoun - it/ its vs. they/them/their
- Verb: is/ Verb_s vs. are/ Verb

- Mạo từ: a/an

*Một số danh từ có thể vừa là singular, vừa là plural: species, media, data, deer, diabetes, statistics
- a/ lessens/ has -> species ở đây là singular
* Đôi khi phần bên ngoài nó hơi dài để giấu đi mất Pronoun

  1. In a computer, its chip
  2. In a computer, the chip



Pronoun vs. The

- In X, the xxx + Verb: chỉ cần dùng {the} vì xxx ở đây đã xác định là In X
=> In X, its xxx + verb:




1.a Her company is outperforming those of her competitors

2.a The scores of students this year are higher than that of students last year

4.a. The characters in Restrepo's novel are more realistic than in Yepes's
1.b Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors

2.b The scores of students this year are higher than those of students last year

4.a. The characters in Restrepo's novel are more realistic than those in Yepes's

That/ those (Pronoun)
- New copy của Noun trước đó

- Vẫn là Pronoun nên phải agree in number với Noun trước đó (1.2.)

- Nếu Nouns ở X # Nouns ở Y 
-> cần dùng those chứ không omit Nouns 
-> nếu omit Nouns sẽ refer cả cụm Nouns in X và hiểu là Nouns in X in Y (4)





1. the school's name


2. Because of the sharp increases in the price of gold and silver, the value of Monica Taylor's portfolio rose while her daughter-in-law's has dropped


3. Unlike historical evidence of weather patterns in other regions of the world, which scientists find abundantly represented in tree rings, ancient glacial ice, or layers of sediment from seasonal plankton, the North Pole's clues about its past climates are almost nonexistent.

1. the cat's basket
the name of the school
Exception: In a year's time

2. Because of the sharp increases in the price of gold and silver, the value of Monica Taylor's portfolio rose while that of her daughter-in-law's has dropped

3.b. Unlike historical evidence of weather patterns in other regions of the world, which scientists find abundantly represented in tree rings, ancient glacial ice, or layers of sediment from seasonal plankton, clues to the past climates of the North Pole are almost nonexistent.

Possessive vs. of (not absolute rule)
*X's Y: 
- chủ yếu sử dụng cho X- living things/ countries
- X thực sự có TÍNH SỞ HỮU Y

* X's: Omit "Y"
- Phải có {Y of } ... hoặc {'s Y} ở đằng trước -> thể hiện rõ sau dấu sở hữu cách là cái gì

* X of Y
- Chủ yếu sử dụng cho X là non-living things, 

2. Note: Double possessive

3. The North Pole's clues: Có ý North Pole sở hữu cái clues trong một cognizant sense -> Sai. Inanimate things (vật vô tri vô giác) don't think.

Tuy nhiên: Possessive có thể dùng cho các inanimate things nếu đây là đặc điểm điển hình của nó
- Jupter's moon Europa
- the North Pole's ice caps



1.a. The senator's proposal has been criticized by his opponents who call him shortsighted and inflexible

2.a Since 1986 when the Department of Labor began to allow investment officers' fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, several corporations began paying their investment advisers a small basic fee, with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well.
1.b. The senator's proposal has been criticized by his opponents who call the senator shortsighted and inflexible

2. Since 1986 when the Department of Labor began to allow fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage, several corporations have begun paying their investment advisers a small basic fee, with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well.

Possessive noun: X's Y

- She, he, it, they/ him, him, them: ko thể refer đến Possessive noun
- Their, his, her, its: có thể refer đến Possessive noun

Không phải absolute rule: Vẫn có 1 câu GMAT dùng-> nên cẩn thận



2.He/they/she/It/Noun = (real subject)
He is expected that...
They are said that...
She is likely that.....
The company is likely that...
1. It = fake subject
It is expected that.../is said that.../is likely that....

2. He/they/she/It/Noun = (real subject)
He is expected to...
They are said to...
She is likely to.....

Place holder "it": concept tested

1. It+ description + that clause / to verb

2. He/she/they/ it/ {Real noun} + description + to V
* He/she/they/ it/ {Real noun} + description + that clause


Superficially, a telephone system resembles the human nervous system both because they carry information in the form of electrical impulses and because all of its neural pathways converge in the brain and spinal cord, which together form a kind of central exchange.


The human nervous system bears a superficial resemblance to a telephone system both because the former carries information in the form of electrical impulses and because all of its neural pathways converge in the brain and spinal cord, which together form a kind of central exchange.


X.....Y đứng tách riêng-> They không thể refer đến dược

X and Y,... they: ok


Type of pronoun 

1.a. The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million, as part of a deal to make it the largest manufacturer in the office color-printing market.0. He shoots himself

1.b. The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million, as part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer in the office color-printing market.

Type of pronoun
- Reflexive: Itself, himself, herself, themself

+ Hoặc là dùng để nhấn mạnh

+ Hoặc là subject tác động lên chính mình thì phải dùng reflexive.

+ Không đi kèm dạng bị động

1.a. it will purchase ....to make it: -> itself
1.b. a deal that will make it


Thấy Pronoun: Luôn phải đặt câu hỏi 


Thấy Pronoun: Luôn phải đặt câu hỏi
- Thay thế cho danh từ nào?
- Agree với danh từ không?
- Có bị hiểu nhầm theo 2 nghĩa không?



Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.

A. movies—less than those
C. movies, which is less than those
D. movies, a number lower than the people
E. movies, fewer than the ones
B. movies—fewer than have been

E. "One(s)" is very similar to "that/ those". 
- "The one(s)" is something that's typically used when it would be extremely awkward to use "that" or "those".
- I'm looking for a jacket, unlike the one that I bought last year.
- Once the new phones are available, people will no longer pay full price for the older ones.

A.C.D.E. ko thể so sánh {number of people} fewer than {people}
A.B.D. less/ lower
B. People: countable -> fewer
B. movies—fewer than (the number of people who) have been


6. Verb tense

(24 cards)

1. The film HAD STARTED by the time we ARRIVED at the theater
-> Bộ film đã xảy ra trước thời điểm chúng tôi tới rạp

2. The teacher THOUGHT that Jimmy HAD CHEATED on the exam
-> Việc Jimmy cheated xảy ra trước thời điểm hành động the teacher thought

3. By 1945, the US HAD BEEN at war for several years

4a. The size increase had been slight for males but great for females

4b. The size increase in males has been slight while the size increase in females has been great.


Past perfect: Rất hay được test trong GMAT
- Nói về hành động xảy ra trước, và bằng 1 cách nào đó còn liên quan đến 1 mốc thời gian trong quá khứ
- ĐÃ KẾT THÚC trong quá khứ và không còn xảy ra nữa
- Luôn phải có 1 past-time maker (ví dụ: simple past/ in 19xx, ko nên dùng present perfect)
- Hành động nào xảy ra trước thì phải lùi 1 thì so với hành động so sánh

Note: Luôn phải check lý do sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành là gì, mốc thời gian này có tồn tại hay không?
-> Nếu không có mốc thời gian để hành động này xảy ra trước, thì không thể dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành

4a. had been: size increase không còn slight for males nữa?
has been: size increase vẫn còn....cho đến hiện tại



To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic determinants of fertility.To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic determinants of fertility.

Diễn tả một tình huống giả định - TRÁI NGƯỢC, KHÔNG CÓ THỰC Ở HIỆN TẠI
To do MORE X, S would have to do Y


-> To develop MORE accurate population forecasts: MORE thể hiên giả định
1. Bởi vì để dự đoán dân số đúng HƠN, demographers ĐÁNG NHẼ PHẢI BIẾT (would have to know) nhiều hơn so với hiện tại.


1. It is essential that Gary be ready before noon
2. It is essential for Gary to be ready before noon
3. Several senior officials spoke to the press on condition that they not be named in the story.


Tính từ/ danh từ cũng có thể được sử dụng với command subjunctive

Adj: Advisable, crucial, desirable, fitting, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, preferable, urgent, vital & on the condition

Noun: relevant noun of adjs above


She have already woke up when the phone rang


She had already woke up when the phone rang


Hành động nào xảy ra trước thì phải lùi 1 thì so với hành động so sánh


1. Tom will turn off the light when he leaves the office
2. I will tidy the living-room before I go to bed
3. I will not go home until I finish the report
4. Jane will call her mother as soon as she arrives at the airport
5. If you exercised, you would become healthy
6. When the cat's away, the mice will play
7. The fanatical, young group of girls will have been waiting in the concert line the entire night by the time the tickets go on sale.


Future form: LƯỢC BỎ khi theo sau bởi Trạng từ thời gian khi nối 2 mệnh đề

- Averbs of time: When, before, after, as soon as, until (Cho đến khi/ trước khi), as, while, If, by the time

+ By the time S + V, Clause 1: Thể hiện Clause 1 sẽ diễn ra ngay trước khi S+V diễn ra trong TƯƠNG LAI
+ By the time S + V_ed, Clause 1: Thể hiện Clause 1 sẽ diễn ra ngay trước khi S+V diễn ra trong QUÁ KHỨ


Past simple: thì "quá khứ"


Past simple: thì "quá khứ"

- Ám chỉ thông tin đã từng xảy ra, hiện tại không còn đúng nữa


0. Plants die if they don't get enough water

1. If you drop that glass, it will break
* Reverse conditional clause: replace "if" with "should"
- Should Mary study (s) hard, she will pass the exam

2. If I were you, I would give up smoking
* Reverse conditional clause: Omit "If", dùng "were"
- Were I a brid, I would fly

3. * Reverse entire sentence: I would have believed you if you hadn't lied to me before

* Reverse conditional clause: Omit "If", dùng "Had"
- Had you trained harder, you would have won the game


Conditional Statements: 
1. Có "If"-> là câu điều kiện. Cần xác định là câu điều kiện loại mấy

Type 0: used to refer to general truths
Type 1: possible condition and its probabale result
Type 2: Unreal condition at the present
Tobe luôn là were
Type 3: Unreal condition in the past

2. If X, (then) Y
Dòng chảy từ ngữ sẽ tốt hơn nếu X và Y có cùng structure: cùng passive/ cùng active


S + Verb + O 



S + Verb + O 


- Action verb 

- Linking verb: Nối Object với Subject, thêm thông tin cho Subject





In astronomy, the term “red shift” denotes the extent to which light from a distant galaxy has shifted toward the red, or long-wave, end of the light spectrum by the rapid motion of the galaxy away from the Earth

In astronomy, the term “red shift” denotes the extent to which light from a distant galaxy has been shifted toward the red, or long-wave, end of the light spectrum by the rapid motion of the galaxy away from the Earth

Split active vs. passive 
-> Tìm ngay đằng sau xem có {by sth} không
kiểu gì cũng có hint


1.a. If she were to be rich, she would be horribly obnoxious.
1.b. If I were to lose my job next year, I would probably not find a new one quickly.

2.a If the fire were to have destroyed the building, it would have been a tragic cultural loss.
2.b. It has often been assumed that if governments limit fishing, the numbers of fish will increase, but in the case of fish such as salmon such a recovery might come about much more readily if governments were to order the removal of the dams that limit the water-flow required by spawning fish.


1. If S1 + were to V1, S2 + would/ might V2
Were to diễn tả sự việc RẤT RẤT KHÓ XẢY RA/ RẤT KHỦNG KHIẾP Ở hiện tại/ tương lai

2. If S1 + were to have V1_ed, S2 + would/ might have V2_ed
Were to have V1_ed diễn tả sự việc RẤT RẤT KHÓ XẢY RA/ RẤT KHỦNG KHIẾP ở quá khứ

2.b. might = probability # can=ability



1.B. The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both of which have dated back at least a thousand years.
-> sai: ám chỉ việc dated không còn ở hiện tại
A. The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.
-> Đúng: việc dating là ở hiện tại

2. I have had the flu 
-> Đã kết thúc trong quá khứ, và còn ảnh hưởng đến hiện tại

3. I have had the flu for the last two weeks 
-> Vẫn còn flu=cúm ở hiện tại

Present perfect

1. Hành động vẫn còn xảy ra trong hiện tại: nếu có timeframe trong câu
2. Hoặc hành động đã KẾT THÚC (nếu KHÔNG có timeframe), nhưng kết quả của hành động vẫn ảnh hưởng trong hiện tại


1. She stayed up all night because she had received bad news

2. Last night he played guitar and the neighbors complained


Verb tense
a. Có từ 2 actions trở lên -> phải để ý sequence: Cái nào xảy ra trước, cái nào xảy ra sau

1. Cô ấy nhận bad news trước khi stayed up all night
2. Mọi chuyện đã xảy ra, đã kết thúc, có thời gian rõ ràng - Last night

b. Chú ý phần KHÔNG gạch chân để tìm gợi ý về verb tense


a. They've been best friends since they were children
Since I broke my leg, I have been reluctant to try inline skating again.

b. I remember finding a scorpion in my shoe when I was ten years old. Since the age of three, I had been tremendously afraid of scorpions.
-> since I'm not ten years old anymore, this sentence is written from a past standpoint. therefore, "past perfect": 
-> Từ 3 đến 10 tuổi tôi mới sợ scorpion, còn sau đó có sợ không thì không biết


Verb tense rules: 


1. Nếu khung thời gian là cụ thể (last year, yesterday, in 1990): Sử dụng thì Quá khứ đơn 


2. Within the past ..., in the last... - trigger thì Hiện tại hoàn thành 


3. Since: luôn đi kèm Thời gian cụ thể trong quá khứ/ thì Quá khứ đơn 

a. Trigger thì Hiện tại hoàn thành nếu được viết với góc nhìn hiện tại 

b. Trigger thì Quá khứ hoàn thành nếu được viết dưới một mốc thời gian quá khứ



1.a. The Census Bureau predicts that within the next ten years a significant number of Black executives in US will have left corporate job so as to start their own businesses, as many Black engineers and computer experts have done already.1.b.The Census Bureau predicts that within the next ten years a significant number of Black executives in US will leave corporate job to start their own businesses, as many Black engineers and computer experts have done already.

Future perfect
- Diễn tả 1 sự việc xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm trong tương lai


1.a. Không có thời điểm xác định nào trong tương lai để dựa vào đó dùng thì tương lai hoàn thành
- have done: ok vì thời điểm xác định ở đây chính là thời điểm tác giả viết câu này









2.b. Geologists believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings were thought to first enter the Americans, disappeared about 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.

3b. The number of plant and animal species that humans are known for forcing to extinction in the last half millenium is over 800.

1. All Y-chromosomes in existence today are descended from the Y chromosome of a single ancestor who is thought to have lived about 140,000 years ago.

2.a. Geologists believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans, disappeared about 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.

3.a. The number of plant and animal species that humans are known to have forced to extinction in the last half millenium is over 800.

- to V/ for V_ing: xảy ra cùng thời điểm với main event 

- to have V_pp: xảy ra trước main event 

- might have V_pp: thể hiện phỏng đoán hoặc giả định trong quá khứ 



- hành động *think* là ở hiện tại -> are thought 

- hành động *first enter* là ở quá khứ -> to have first entered 


2.b.- tobe thought to first enter -> diễn tả hành động *think* và *enter* là cùng 1 thời điểm -> sai 


3.a. FORCED plant and animal species to extinction *500 years ago* 


3b. Hiện tại đang forcing plant and animal species to extinction ???


1. The local government has built the school that was destroyed by the earthquake


2. The local government had built/built the school that was destroyed by the earthquake


1. Hiểu sai: Trường vừa mới xây lại=has built
Cái trường mới xây thì không thể bị phá huỷ được

2. Meaning: Local goverment đã xây từ trước đó cái trường mà đã bị phá huỷ. 
Hành động nào xảy ra trước thì phải lùi 1 thì so với hành động so sánh
=> had built: Thể hiện sequence - đã xây trước khi bị phá huỷ
hoặc built: Xây trong quá khứ


1. The factory is operating at reduced capacity because its machines are undergoing routine maintenance.

2. My dad is working as a contractor
-> a short-term job
My dad works as a contractor
-> a permanent, or at least long-term, career choice.


Present progressive: thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

- Mô tả các EVENTS/ ACTIONS đang xảy ra ở hiện tại 
- Chỉ xảy ra RẤT tạm thời, KHÔNG VĨNH VIỄN


1. Scientist: "The supercollider IS ready, it DID not COST too much, and it WILL PROVIDE new insights into the workings of the universe"

-> The scientist ANNOUNCED that the supercollider WAS ready, that it HAD not COST too much, and that it WOULD PROVIDE new insights into the workings of the universe


Reported speech: Câu gián tiếp
- Khi câu viết theo kiểu tường thuật ( ...said that/ anounced that...): Cần phải lùi 1 thì: 

+ Hiện tại (tiếp diễn) -> Quá khứ (tiếp diễn)
+ Hiện tại hoàn thành/ Quá khứ (tiếp diễn) -> Quá khứ hoàn thành (tiếp diễn)
+ Tương lai (Will) -> Tương lai trong quá khứ (Would)
+ Quá khứ hoàn thành (tiếp diễn) = Quá khứ hoàn thành (tiếp diễn) - ko đổi


1.If you saw Sam yesterday, then you will recognize him at the party tonight.

2. If someone is afraid of dogs, then he or she probably did not grow up in a household with dogs.

3. James realized that if he had accidentally turned the phone on, then he had revealed his location to the police by so doing.


Conditional Statement Exception: cần để ý đến meaning của verb



1.b. Ancient cavemen were unaware that the Earth revolved around the Sun

1.a. Ancient cavemen were unaware that the Earth revolves around the Sun. 

2. Blood flows through veins and arteries

3. I am happy


Present simple: dùng thì hiện tại

1. Mô tả một cái "fundamental truth" 

- luôn xảy xảy
- không quan tâm là được thuật lại trong quá khứ hay hiện tại
 - # thì "quá khứ" -> ám chỉ thông tin không còn đúng nữa
vd. 1b. Ám chỉ Trái Đất không quay quanh mặt trời nữa

2. Mô tả một cái rountine habit

- whenever/ everytime -> nên dùng thì hiện tại
3. Mô tả tình trạng, điều kiện (states, conditions) tại hiện tại.
4. Không dùng để mô tả các Events/ Actions ở hiện tại (dùng hiện tại tiếp diễn)


Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity.

(C) by which it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity


(A) that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity




V(s) / Have V_ed + not Noun but Noun

"not": phải đứng sau trợ động từ chứ không được đứng sau động từ chính

C. has revealed + not + Noun-> has not reveal + Noun



C. The language is produced and *understood* by the process-> ko hợp lý
language phải được understood bởi con người chứ ko phải process
A. Process chỉ làm cho language -understandable


2.b A majority of observers interviewed see the Middle East as unstable at present but think the Middle East would or could become less volatile in the future.1. One automobile manufacturer has announced plans to increase the average fuel efficiency ..... over the next five years, an increase that would amount to roughly five miles per gallon and would represent the first significant change ......

2.a A majority of observers interviewed see the Middle East as unstable at present but believe that it will be or could become less volatile in the future.


Hypothetical subjunctive
- Would: tại thời điểm quá khứ, dự đoán, lên kế hoạch,....một sự kiện sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai (thường không xác định, nếu tương lai xác định có thể dùng will)

- Could verb: có thể thể hiện một sự kiện trong tương lai (không chắc chắn)

2.a. Will be // could become + in the future
2.b. In the future-> ko dùng would (hypothetical)


Laura LOCKED the deadbolt before she LEFT for work


Past perfect: Exception
- Không cần sử dụng Past perfect khi mà cái sequence nó đã quá rõ ràng hoặc chỉ có 1 event


He is thinner now because he has gone on a strict diet six months ago


He is thinner now because he went on a strict diet six months ago


"Ago" không trigger thì hoàn thành


7. Parallel

(13 cards)


2. - Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits are not the products of natural selection, favored because they enhance reproduction or survival, but simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments. 

2. - Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits are not the products of natural selection, favored because they enhance reproduction or survival, but are simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments. 

- Medicare, the United States government’s health insurance program for the elderly and disabled, covers the full cost of home health care, but not of other nonhospital services, for which beneficiaries must pay 20 percent of the costs.

Cấu trúc song song: Parallelism structure
1. Not only as X, but (also) as Y and as Z -> add (expands)
- Not only DID + S, but IT also DID: phải có it, clause // clause
2. (not).... but...: (contradicts)
- chỉ coi là song song với 1 marker BUT
- {do not V1} + but {V2}
- are not X, but are Y
- is not O1 + but instead + verb O2
- V O of X, but not of Y
- tobe probably not an X, but more likly verb 
3. Xing and Noun: đều không phải phần gạch chân => Xing là Noun. Để ý hint này
4. Whether S would do sth and to what extent.
- Whether it is X or Y or Z
5. S + seems more likely + to do X + than + to do Y
6. S believes + that clause1 --- [in other words,] that clause2
7. By X and Y, as well as by Z
8. X + V_ed by ... and V_ing... : để ý V_ed + by là modifier
9. V1 + O + used by Noun_X, such as x, that... and V2 that used by Noun_Y, such as y



1.a. Between 1990 and 2000 the global economy grew more than it did during the 10,000 years from when agriculture began to 1950.1.a. Between 1990 and 2000 the global economy grew more than it did during the 10,000 years from the beginning of agriculture to 1950.

- When clause /0/ { year/ moth...} - The beginning / The end // { year/ moth...}


The rise in greenhouse gasses is not only due to cutting trees but also due to the pollution


The rise in greenhouse gasses is not only due to the cutting trees but also due to the pollution


Simple vs. Complex Gerund
Simple gerund: V_ing - ám chỉ hành động # action noun
Complex gerund: A/an/the V_ing - ám chỉ công việc/sự việc // action noun (action noun vẫn ưu tiên hơn)


1. The Virginia white tailed deer was a source of meat, and its hide was used for clothing, its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut for bindings and glue.

2. In the 1995 world hockey championships, sweden won the gold medal and finland the silver.


1. X1 is used for Y1, X2 for Y2, and X3 for Y3Z


19.1. I have not completed the exam, nor will i be able to finish it tonight.
--> 2 negative verbs

19.2. No one has ever climbed that tower, nor has anyone ever scaled this fence.
--> "nor ... anyone = "no one".

19.3. Few people have ever climbed that tower, nor have many (people) scaled this fence.
-> "nor ... many = few

20. Minivans carry as many as seven passengers and, compared with most sport utility vehicles, cost less, get better gas mileage, allow passengers to get in and out more easily, and have a smoother ride.

- all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and drive them to market when the time is ripe.
- I went to the grocery store and bought food, got money from the ATM, and sampled dishes from the deli.
21. According to a study by the Agricultural Research Service, confinement buildings must be adapted to animals, rather than animals to buildings, if farmers want to breed their stock more successfully.


Cấu trúc song song: Parallelism structure
19. {Negative}, nor {positive}
20. {V1} and {V2, V3, and V4}: 
-> 2 and chưa chắc đã sai
21. X must be Ved to Y, rather than Y to X


1. This drug is not only an alertness aid, but also an antidepressant.

2. Ryan not only competed in all the events, but won first prize in three of them.

3. The snacks known as "french fries" were invented not in France, but in Belgium.

4. The drug kills the bacteria but also kills white cells.

5. Matt is not a writer, but he is an editor.


Not ...but: Cấu trúc chính; only & also = adverb
=> cần song song sau "not" và "but"

1. Not only X but also Y (X, Y cùng good/ bad)
- Y độc lập, bổ trợ X

2. Not only X but Y (X < Y)
- Y expands X và bổ trợ X

3. Not X but Y (expected X >< actual Y)
- X là cái mà bình thường được expected, assumed
- Y refutes, contradicts X

4. X but also Y (X >< Y)


To read of Abigail Adams’ lengthy separation from her family, her difficult travels, and her constant battles with illness is to feel intensely how harsh life was even for the so-called aristocracy of Revolutionary times.



To read of + topics

To read + tác phẩm



1. Ron devoured his lunch, crunched loudly and burped at regular intervals

3. After the typhoon, the citizens of the country were left without food, power and huge bills for reconstructing their houses
2. Ron devoured his lunch, crunching loudly and burping at regular intervals

4. After the typhoon, the citizens of the country were left without food and power, and with huge bills for reconstructing their houses

Parallelism + Meaning
+ Parallelism in a list: Nếu có một list từ 3 phần tử trở lên, trước {and} phải có comma. Giữa 2 phần tử thì có thể có hoặc không

1. crunch: nhai, gặm; burpe: ợ hơi => modify cho devour: ngấu nghiến
chứ không thể hiện song song
2. Để ý trước "and burped" không có comma => khả năng cao là modifier chứ không phải song song


Parallelism: Equal ideas <=> Equal structures

- Nếu các thành phần trong câu có vai trò tương đương, ý nghĩa tương đương thì structure phải tương đương


1. Single marker: and, or, but, etc. -> Work from right to left (Đằng sau là cái gì thì đằng trước là cái đó)

2. Double marker: either or, both and, between and, etc. Work from left to right (Đằng trước là cái gì thì đằng sau là cái đó)


- The police use helicopters as well as cars.
-> nếu có thể song song, nên song song

- Few people know that the Smith Firm prepares tax documents, as well as writing the legal briefs for which the firm is best known.
-> vì Verb không thể đứng sau as well as -> về mặt kĩ thuật là ko song song. Nhưng song song về nghĩa

18. The budget for education reflects the administration's demand that the money be controlled by local school districts, but it allows them to spend the money only on teachers, not on books, computers, or other materials or activities.


19. In addition to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.


Cấu trúc song song: Parallelism structure
10. X, Y, and Z, as well as T: X//Y//Z /0/ T, T là modifier của Z
11. S + avoid X and instead Verb...: Verb// advoid
12. Not only V1 + S1, but also S2 + V2: đảo ngữ
13. S + V1 + O1, O2, and O3, and V2:
14. S is made up of X, X's modifer; Y, Y's modifer; and Z, Z's modifer;
15. the act (đạo luật) that did X ... also did Y
16. X is regard as X1, not as X2
17. To verb is to verb
18. Only on A, Not on B
19. In addition to/ Beside Noun1, Noun2 + V
In addition to/ Beside V1_ing, S + V2

In addition to X, S do Y


1. I want to retire to a place WHERE i can relax AND I pay low taxes


2. I want to retire to a place WHERE i can relax AND WHERE I pay low taxes 


Ellipses: Cẩn thận mệnh đề quan hệ
1. Where/ THAT - đại từ quan hệ chỉ có thể đi đến hết mệnh đề của nó: [Where I can relax]
không thể kéo dài thêm cả {Where.... I pay low taxes}
-> 2. Lặp lại Where/ THAT



A. Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that still has a sizable wolf population, and where this predator remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep.

B. Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states where there is still a sizable population of wolves; this predator remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep.
C. Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states where there is still a sizable population of wolves and where this predator remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep.

A. that still has /0/ where S+ V
B. Đúng ngữ pháp nhưng mệnh đề 2 không có logic relationship với mệnh đề 1 (intended meaning)
C. Where // where


1. The doctor analyzed her patients' vital signs with a new device that simplified the process and logged the results in each patient's electronic medical records


2. The doctor analyzed her patients' vital signs with a new device that simplified the process and that logged the results in each patient's electronic medical records

3. The campers attempt to sneak out of their bunks and steal candy from the kitchen



Ellipses: Cẩn thận với ambiguity 
Khi work from right to left: Tìm tất cả các elements phía bên trái có thể song song và có nghĩa với phần bên phải
-> Có 2 khả năng cho element phía bên trái: sai

1. Sai. Có thể hiểu là: the doctor analyzed ...and (the doctor) logged the results
hoặc a device that simplified the process and (a device that) logged the results
2. Đúng: hết ambiguity

3. Tuy nhiên lại đúng vì:
Ko thể hiểu là : the campers attempt....and (the campers) steal: Mình chưa biết là campers này có sneak out được hay không, nên không thể dùng steal-ám chỉ campers chắc chắn trộm được candy
Chỉ có thể hiểu là: the campers attempt to sneak out.... and (the campers attempt to) steal....

-> Việc bắt lỗi phần phía bên phải có song song với phần phía bên trái được hay không phải dựa rất nhiều vào meaning


8. Comparison

(71 cards)

1. A recent review of pay scales indicates that, on average, CEOs now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times in 1980.

A recent review of pay scales indicates that, on average, CEOs now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio in 1980.


2. The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges and universities in the United States increased more than two times from 1978 to 1985.

The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges and universities in the United States more than doubled from 1978 to 1985.


 n times + Object
- Sau times luôn phải có Object so sánh

1.2. - Ko có objects thì sẽ được hiểu là times = occasions (lần)-> thường sai

2. increased more than two times: Được tăng lương NHIỀU HƠN 2 DỊP (3 lần tăng lương, 4 lần tăng lương,...)


1. Like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age.
1. As many self-taught artists did, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age. 

2. Linking arrangements between secondary schools and the workplace never evolved in the United States as they did in most other developed countries.

2. Linking arrangements between secondary schools and the workplace never evolved in the United States as in most other developed countries.


Ngang bằng: Cẩn thận nếu có NEGATIVE (NOT, NEVER)
- CẦN XEM XÉT nên/ không nên lược bỏ Helping verb (do, did, would,...) dựa vào nghĩa 

1. AS X do, Y DO NOT...: Như việc X có làm, Y không làm. 
Like X, Y do not.... Giống như X (không làm) , Y cũng ko làm. 

2. S + NEVER DID in X as in Y suspect vì hơi có thể hiểu theo 2 nghĩa
- S + never did in X as (S never did) in Y: Ở Y nó không làm 
- S + never did in X as (S did) in Y: Ở Y nó có làm



1. Most of the country’s biggest daily newspapers had lower circulation in the six months from October 1995 through March 1996 than that in a similar period a year earlier.

2. Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than (those) in their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.

0.- Wild animals have less total fat than livestock animals.
- According to X, more babies were born to women over 30 years of age than under 30 years of age.

1. Most of the country’s biggest daily newspapers had lower circulation in the six months from October 1995 through March 1996 than in a similar period a year earlier.

2. Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than (those) for previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.

Khi nào KHÔNG cần that/ those
=>khi danh từ làm tham chiếu đứng sau comparison term (Less//more), không cần that/those: do khi đó đã đóng đinh cái hệ quy chiếu rồi, không cần đi kèm với X, Y nữa

0. X+ V + more/ less Nouns than (that of) Y
more {S + V + O over X} than {under Y}

1. S + V + lower Nouns {in X} than those {in Y}

2. S + V + with more Nouns than {for any previous campaign}: 
Không cần cả cụm giờ từ thời gian ở mệnh đề đầu luôn

Note: this year // last; now // a year ago,



1.a. There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels: more than ten times as much energy is generated through wind power now as it was in 1990.

1.b. There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels: more than ten times as much energy is generated through wind power now as was that in 1990.

1.c There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels: more than ten times as much energy is generated through wind power now as was the case in 1990.

Comparison: That/ those vs. It/ they/their 

- That/ those được thay thế: chỉ là phiên bản copy của Noun đằng trước, không chỉ đích danh noun đó

- It/ They/ their: sẽ là đích danh noun phía trước (đề phòng, xem có cần đích danh noun đó ko?) 


1a. It = more than ten times as much energy (essential modify + noun)-> sai. 

1b. "that" cũng ko thể refer đến "more than ten times as much + energy" -> 1 bản copy sẽ là cái gì??



1. The students in my class are smarter than other classes
3. Beethoven's music, which broke a number of established rules with its structure and melodic form, is considered more revolutionary than Bach
5. I enjoy reading novels more than to watch movies
2. The students in my class are smarter than the students in other classes
4. Beethoven's music, which broke a number of established rules with its structure and melodic form, is considered more revolutionary than Bach's
6. I enjoy reading novels more than watching movies

- Là 1 nhánh của song song
- Luôn chú ý xem 2 thành phần so sánh có thực sự song song, cả về cấu trúc và nghĩa hay không


A recent national study of the public schools shows that there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were four years ago.


Ratio of X to Y hiện tại, so với ratio này trong quá khứ
There is one X for every n1 Ys, n2 times as many as there were {trong quá khứ}

- Right // left
- Phần đằng trước comparison terms cần đưa sang đủ


1. The cost of a ticket is $12, SIX TIMES the cost ten years ago
2. The concert was attended by 300 people, TWICE the previous attendance

4. Last night Hector drank an unbelievable number of vodka shots, twice as many as I had ever seen him drink in a single night before.

5.a. twice as much water
5.b. twice the water...


...{actual number}..., n times/ twice/ double
+ Noun= the increase/ the number/.... (an explicitly numerical quantity)

+ as many as + {Countable noun}

+ as much as + {Un-countable noun}

4. - twice as many as...: thể hiện how unbelievable the number last night was
- as many as {the number of vodka shots} I had ever seen him drink


5.a. twice: phải so sánh về mặt số lượng ->  cần có as much ở đây

Gấp đôi LƯỢNG nước

5.b. gấp đôi nước -> sai. 


1. Tides typically range from three to six feet, but while some places show no tides at all, others, such as the Bay of Fundy, have tides of more than thirty feet

2.a. Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical
2.b Many people, willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills, are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.



While thể hiện contrast + simultaneity 


1. while clause 1, clause 2 

2.a S + V + O while willing (adj)...: While không đi kèm được với tính từ Cẩn thận với trường hợp X_ing là tính từ


1. He is as tall as his brother
 He is not as tall as his brother

2. He is not so tall as his brother
- tobe not so much in X as in Y= không ... nhiều ở X bằng ở Y
- tobe not so much that X as that Y: không nhiều là X như là Y
- According to one expert, the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much that dogs are being bred for looks or to meet the other narrow criteria as that the breeds have relatively few founding members.



1.So sánh ngang bằng: "As...As"
- Dùng được cho cả câu khẳng định và phủ định


2. So sánh ngang bằng: "So ...AS / SO MUCH ...AS" 
- Chỉ dùng được cho câu phủ định 



1. I can do this better than you can
So sánh về tiềm năng của cả you and me

2. I can do this better than you do
Ở đây so sánh tiềm năng của tôi với kết quả mà bạn đang làm.

-> Cần xem meaning là gì để chọn


S + CAN/ COULD vs. S + DO
* In SAE (South American English?) ,we generally use {DO} to replace regular verbs,
i.e., {verbs that are NOT LINKING VERBS}, {verbs that USE MODALS}, etc.


Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent


X is more likely than Y to do sth


1. According to research covering the last decade, the average number of rooms added by high-end hotel chains was lower than the hotel industry average for this period

2. Tech COMPANIES are as likely as the AVERAGE COMPANY to fail.

Tech COMPANIES are as likely as the INDUSTRY AVERAGE to fail.


1. So sánh với industry average: trung bình thị trường

2. So sánh với average company: công ty thường
[Tech companies] ko thể so sánh với [the INDUSTRY AVERAGE - chỉ số trung bình của thị trường]


Never before had taxpayers confronted as many changes at once as they confronted in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.


Đảo ngữ + as many...as 

Never before S1 + V_ed + AS many objects AS + S2 + Ved in (time Y)



1.a. A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as (it) have been previously thought by some analysts (to had been)1.b. A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought. (the economy would be)

2. After weeks of uncertainty about the course the country would pursue to stabilize its troubled economy, officials reached a revised agreement with the International Monetary Fund, pledging to enforce substantially greater budget discipline than (they) originally promised (it would be) and to keep inflation below ten percent

X không adj như ai đó từng nghĩ (rằng nó adj) 
- X + is + not as adj as + SB PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT X would be
- X + is + not as adj as + Sb PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT X would be
- X + is + not as adj as + it was PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT to have been
- X + is + not as adj as + it WAS PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT to have been

1.a. Meaning: Cái được thought bởi các nhà phân tích ở đây không phải là economy, mà là việc "economy might be weak"

-> dù có thay "it" vào thì refer đến economy vẫn không make sense 
- Have been= plural # singular =it


This year's unemployment rate is 12%, compared to 4% in 1994

This year's unemployment rate of 12% is three times as great compared to the rate in 1994

This year 11 percent of workers under 25 in the city are unemployed, compared to only 7 percent just three years ago.


So sánh 2 số liệu với compared to/with, in comparison to, as compared to/with 

- Không thể sử dụng kèm theo bất cứ một comparison word nào khác: As, more, less,... 
- Phải đưa ra cả 2 số liệu để có thể so sánh
-1 SỐ LIỆU cần đứng sau compared...


Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those outside the pinelands.


Giá trị của A đa số ở X tăng nhanh bằng, một vài chỗ còn nhanh hơn so với A ở Y
A in most parts of X rose almost as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, Y's A/ those outside X



1. Julia was able to climb the tree as fast as her brother

2. The US spends more money on health care than Canada
1.1. Julia was able to climb the tree as fast as her brother was
1.2. Julia was able to climb the tree as fast as she was [able to climb] her brother

2.1. The US spends more money on health care than Canada do
2.2. The US spends more money on health care than on Canada

More on comparison: Clarity
Thêm một hai từ sẽ khiến so sánh rõ nghĩa hơn


1. San Francisco is more famous than San Jose, but not as big.
- There were once 20 shirts on this shelf, but, now, barely half as many are left.

2. James had found over 50 words in the puzzle, but his brother found even more on the subsequent turn. 

3. New York City is changing its street signs from all capitals to a mixture of capital and lowercase letters, which will be much easier for drivers to read.


Omit: style

1.2. Không cần thêm "as Y/ than Y" trong so sánh "as .../ more ...." khi Y đã được mention trước đó








4.a The architectural problem of how to enclose and articulate interior space becomes increasingly critical as the size of the space gets larger.





5.a. The more hostility people show in their behavior and attitudes, then calcium deposits are more likely to be in the arteries of their hearts.

5.c. the more likely there are to be calcium deposits

1. The crazier the idea is, the more fun it is to try

2. The more coffee these doctors drank, the greater was their likelihood of having coronary disease

3. the city air became increasingly acidic the closer acid rain came to town

4.b The architectural problem of how to enclose and articulate interior space becomes ever more critical as the size of the space increases

5.b. The more hostility people show in their behavior and attitudes, the more likely they are to have calcium deposits in the arteries of their hearts.

Double comparative: The more Noun/ adj/ adv, the more Noun/ adj/ adv
- Không cần cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong ... phải giống hệt nhau

3. Cái này càng .... KHI cái kia càng....
4. Size + increase/ space + larger: size thì tăng lên, còn vật thì to lên.
a. Không dùng size get larger: Size không to lên

b. Cấu trúc này test chính là song song -> càng song song như 5.b càng tốt
a. Không cần then-connector ở giữa
- the more...the more sẽ tốt hơn
a.c. people cần // they
-> calcium deposits/ there /0/ people



6.C. So called green taxes are having a positive effect on the environment and natural resource base of countries as varied as those of China, the Netherlands, and Hungary.

(B) as varied as are
(D) that are as varied as
(E) that are varied as are
6. So called green taxes are having a positive effect on the environment and natural resource base of countries as varied as China, the Netherlands, and Hungary.

6. as varied as: rất khác nhau như / limited to: chỉ bao gồm
- ≈ including: Nếu thay as varied as/ limited to = including dùng được thì ok

- modify từ đứng ngay trước nó: countries, thay vì environment and resource base....

C. Nếu modify environment và resource base thì chúng phải là số nhiều: environments và resource bases

B. Không cần are vì nếu không có cũng không ambiguous

B.D.E. Bản thân mỗi đất nước China, the Netherlands, and Hungary: are not varied
-> ko dùng động từ "are" được. 
-> chúng chỉ khác nhau "as varied as"


1. The temperature may drop as low as 20 degrees
2. The new product may be available as soon as next week

3. Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittany are nearly as old as 2,000 years.

4. We sometimes get snow as early as mid-october

5.a. as high as four feets
5.b. as high as three to four feets

6a. This system is used in cities as large as New York
6b. This system is used in cities that are as large as New York


Other use: X(s) as adj as Y
- Đến tận, đến mức
- Có một số trường hợp Xs trong đó Adj nhất là bằng Y
- # Xs that are as adj as Y: Toàn bộ Xs đều adj như Y
- Modify cho từ đứng ngay trước nó (Noun/ verb), ko modify cả cụm Noun phrase

1. Nhiệt độ xuống tới mức 20 độ (bottom)
2. Sản phẩm mới sẽ có sớm nhất là tuần sau
4. Thường thì tuyết rơi sớm rất là vào mid-oct
5.a. Đến mức 3 đến 4 feet
5.b. Đến mức 4 feet
6a. Không imply việc toàn bộ cities lớn bằng New York, mà chỉ đưa ra New York như một trường hợp ví dụ đặc biệt 
6b. Chỉ refer đến những cities mà lớn bằng New York


One study found that although government policy and the industrial sector in which a company operates can influence its productivity and financial strength, management decisions have at least as great an impact on a company’s performance.

  • So sánh management decisions (X) vs. government policy and the industrial sector (Y)
  • Chỉ cần 1 as vì đằng trước đã nhắc đến Y rồi
  • great an impact= a great impact

If the proposed lane restrictions on drivers are rigorously enforced, more people will likely be attracted to downtown businesses than would otherwise be.


Otherwise: Nếu không thì - giả định hypothetical

1. If the proposed lane restrictions on drivers are rigorously enforced vs. otherwise (hypothetical)
- fewer people would be attracted



2. (A). As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful, since it is primarily prescriptions that attract the customers, who then also buy other health-related items.

(B) As with the case of traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to have success

(D) As traditional pharmacies, so on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful
1. These actions are directed by cognitive activity rather than dominated by perceptions, as was the case with preoperational thought

Các hành động này được định hướng bởi hoạt động tự nhận thức hơn là bị chi phối bởi quá trình tiếp thu, giống như trong trường hợp với suy nghĩ của trẻ từ 2-7 tuổi

2. (C) As is the case with traditional pharmacies, prescriptions are the cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore

As "tobe" the case with (as is the case, as would be the case, as was the case)
= as it is also true about - nó cũng đúng với trường hợp ....

2. A. "It" không thể refer đến cả mệnh đề “online drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful” để thể hiện so sánh

- As + prep phrase,...prep phrase
B. không có prep phrase ở sau

C. "As" theo sau bởi mệnh đề. Đáp án cũng duy trì song song "is" // "are"


1.a Not something Tim was known for, he surprised everyone with his perceptiveness

1.b Not something Tim was known for, his perceptiveness surprised everyone

2. Architects and stonemasons, the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel


Not X, S+ V+O
X, S+ V+O

1.a Không thể so sánh {something...} với {he}
1.b. Đảo his perceptiveness lên thành subject


1.a. He is smarter than any student in this class

1.b. He is smarter than any OTHER student in this class


2.a. Today's technology allows manufacturers to make more fuel-efficient small cars than they were at any time in production history.

2.b. Today's technology allows manufacturers to make small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those at any other time in production history


More on Comparison: Logic
1.a Anh ấy không thể thông minh hơn TẤT CẢ CÁC HỌC SINH TRONG LỚP (bao gồm cả anh ấy) được
1.b Anh ấy chỉ có thể thông minh hơn CÁC HỌC SINH KHÁC TRONG LỚP



ANY TIME/ ANYONE (suspect)

MORE ADJ Xs (suspect) : 
- {more fuel-efficient cars}
-OR {cars that are more fuel-efficient}

3. THEY (suspect) VS. THOSE
- they: " Make the OLD smal cars more fuel-efficient".
-> those

4. were đằng sau + đằng trước không có tobe



1.a Similar to the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, where they gathered information about its size and the curvature of its surface, astronomers have made new observations1.b. Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth gathering information about its size and the curvature of its surface, astronomers have made new observations that show with startling directness the large-scale geometry of the universe.

2. The estoc, similar to the épée used in fencing, is a thrusting weapon that resembles a sword but does not have a cutting blade.

Y, similar to X, do sth

- Similar to: Không đứng đầu câu 
- 2 thứ so sánh phải giống nhau hoàn toàn về mặt bản chất


1. Europe, compared with the USA and Japan, contains a group of separate nation states


2. Broccoli is good for you compared with ice cream


Compared with: 

- Thể hiện sự khác nhau/ so sánh số liệu (vd dưới)

- Đặt cái A cạnh cái B để xem 2 cái khác nhau ở đâu 

- Tương tự như Like về vị trí, compare có thể đặt ở vị trí nào cũng đc miễn ko ambiguous


1. Khác với US và Japan, EU thì bao gồm một nhóm nhiều nations states khác nhau.



1. He rides a white horse like mine


X like Y: 

- X tương tự như Y, về mặt bản chất, không chỉ liên quan đến hành động trong câu
- prepositional modifier
- modify cho danh từ đứng ngay trước nó



2.1.a. Medicare, the United States government's health insurance program for the elderly and disabled, covers the full cost of home health care, 

which is unlike other nonhospital services in that 20 percent of the costs must be paid by beneficiaries






3.a In contrast to some fish that have eggs requiring months to incubate, the Rio Grande silvery minnow produces eggs that hatch in about 24 hours, yielding larvae that can swim in just three to four days.

2.1.b.Medicare, the United States government's health insurance program for the elderly and disabled, covers the full cost of home health care, but not of other nonhospital services, for which beneficiaries must pay 20 percent of the costs


2.2 In contrast to large steel plants that take iron ore through all the steps needed to produce several different kinds of steel, small mills, by processing steel scrap into a specialized group of products, have been able to put capital into new technology and remain economically viable.

3.b In contrast to some fish, whose eggs require months to incubate, the Rio Grande silvery minnow produces eggs that hatch in about 24 hours, yielding larvae that can swim in just three to four days.



So sánh CÙNG CỰC, ĐỐI CỰC (extreme)
1. Like/ compared to X, Y
2. Unlike/ as opposed to/ in contrast to X, Y
3.(*) In contrast to X, which does not..., Y does...

2.1.a. which is unlike: ĐỐI CỰC -> ám chỉ Medicare ko cover chi phí nonhospital services

2.1.b. Meaning đúng: Nó có cover nhưng ko cover full cost -> chỉ cần đưa % (full vs. 20%) để so sánh

- Like X that does..., Y does.../ - In contrast to X that does not..., Y does...
-> redundant: do "in contrast to X, Y does..." là biết X does not ...rồi nên ko cần essential modifier
-> chỉ cần 1 trong 2 " essential modifier cho X hoặc Verb trực tiếp cho Y (giống câu 2)"

- In contrast to some fish that have eggs..., the minnow..
-> dễ bị hiểu nhầm là con minnow này không có eggs??


According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat from wild animals and meat from domesticated animals, wild animals have less total fat than livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be good for cardiac health.

If enacted, the proposed tax revisions will adversely affect all homeowners, although moderately priced homes are likely to suffer less of a drop in value than those at the top of the market.



More/less of sth

More/less of a kind of sth


New data from United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing


3. For every dollar spent on ..., n dollar are saved that would have... 


- Với mỗi dollar spent on.... 

- n dollar - đáng nhẽ phải phải tiêu - (thì) được tiết kiệm 


1.a The Parthenon is larger than usual for a Doric temple, with eight columns on the short sides and seventeen on the long ones rather than the typical six and thirteen.

1.b.The Parthenon is larger than is usual for a Doric temple, with eight columns on the short sides and seventeen on the long ones rather than the typical six and thirteen.

2. According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than are currently possible.




1.a.The Parthenon is larger than (The Parthenon is ) usual for a Doric temple
1.b. The Parthenon is larger than (what) is usual for a Doric temple

2. speeds (that are) much higher than (what) are currently possible.


Regulators are likely to end what are, in effect, long-standing exemptions permitting pilots of small turboprop aircraft at small carriers to fly as much as 20 percent more hours per month than pilots at larger airlines fly, with the consequence that some carriers could be forced to hire additional pilots.


Regulators are likely to end what are, in effect, long-standing exemptions permitting pilots of small turboprop aircraft at small carriers to fly as many as 20 percent more hours per month than pilots at larger airlines do, and consequently some carriers could be forced to hire additional pilots.


AS...AS + n percent + more Noun + per month + than...

As...as: đến tận n% nhiều Noun mỗi tháng hơn là...
As much as: Non-countable noun & percentage
As many as: Countable nouns (hours) 
=> phải để ý cái {hours - nouns cuối cùng}, percent ở đây chỉ là trap.


Whereas in mammals the tiny tubes that convey nutrients to bone cells are arrayed in parallel lines, in birds the tubes form a random pattern.


Whereas clause 1, clause 2

Trái ngược


1.a. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.


1.b. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.


Today, X% of T...., compared with about Y% a decade ago

- Khi giới thiệu X%, cần có X% of WHAT
- Y% có thể omit cái WHAT này, nhưng không imply một cái WHAT khác được


- 43% of WHAT??? -> 43% of californians", or "43% of the population of california", or 43% of... something.
- compared with a decade ago: Meaning không compare 2 khoảng thời gian - today vs. compared with a decade ago
-> so sánh 2 percentage-> 43% of the xxxxx are hispanic, compared to 35% a decade ago.
-> compared with/to cần đứng gần % nhất có thể

 - it was about 35 percent: It ko thể refer đến "Hispanics under the age of eighteen" - người ko thể là percent


He is equally likely to pass the test as his brother is


-> Wrong structure


1. a. As a teacher, I have the obligation to pass on my knowledge to my students.
She gave me a box of chocolates, as an anniversary gift.

b. Liam worked as a consultant for seven years
- I'll dress up as a big baby for the party
- X is used as {name of tool}
- Sb is employed as {name of position}

c. The organization retrieved the trophy from the former champion, as a punishment for drug abuse.

2. As I was walking, I saw a dog chasing a cat.
Marry likes green tea as it is good for health


Other uses of As
1. Cụm giới từ: (có thể đứng trước/ sau clause)
a. Modify cho danh từ (công việc, hoặc chức năng)
b. Modify cho động từ (công việc, hoặc chức năng)
c. Modify cho clause

2. Conjunction: Kết nối 2 mệnh đề. 
= When, while= trong khi
= Since, because = Khi mà, vì....


1. Researchers are using computer images to help surgeons plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do for pilots, letting medical personnel practice their techniques and test their reflexes before they ever see a patient.


3. Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.


the same

1. S1 + V1 + O1 in the same way THAT S2 + V2 + O2
2. Xs are not subject to Y in the same way as Zs + are
- có are sẽ rõ nghĩa hơn
3. X tobe/does + (prep: at, in...) the same O +as Y


Laos has a land area comparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only four million people, many of whom are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.


Ngang bằng, cùng cỡ, có thể so sánh được
X has A + comparable to + that of Y

Phần đằng trước comparison term - comparable (A of X) phải được thể hiện rõ ở phía sau (that of Y)


The hearing sensitivity of monkeys, marmosets, and humans is remarkably similar over a range of frequencies from 100 to 5,000 hertz


Noun of X, Y and Z is similar: Giống, tương tự 



As opposed to adults, pound for pound, children breathe twice as much air, drink two and a half times as much water, eat three to four times as much food, and have more skin surface area.

C) Unlike an adult, pound for pound, children

D) Pound for pound, a child, unlike an adult, will

E) Pound for pound, children compared to adults will
B) Compared pound for pound with adults, children

2. The ant, pound for pound, is one of the strongest organisms on the planet, able to carry an object in excess of 100 times its own body mass, using nothing more than its powerful mandibles.

1. So sánh CẤP ĐỘ: 
- compared with X, Y + verb + n times as...
- compared with X, Y have 
- X + verb + more...than Y
- X + verb + n times as ...as Y

A.C.D.E. Ở đây so sánh cấp độ, không so sánh cùng/ đối cực, extreme
C. So sánh 1 adult vs children. Ko parallel
D.E: will sai vì ở đây là fact
E.children compared to adults will: essential modifier
-> những đứa được compared to adults thì sẽ thở gấp đối, còn những đứa không được compared to adults thì sẽ kHÔNG???



1. Like her brother did, Sam aced the test

4. Thai village crafts, like in other cultures, have developed
1. Like her brother, Sam aced the test

2. Most efforts to combat such mosquito-borne diseases as malaria and dengue have focused on either vaccinating humans or exterminating mosquitoes with pesticides.

4. Thai village crafts, like those of other cultrure

Unlike/ Like - A preposition

- LIKE phải theo sau bởi nouns, gerund, pronouns, or noun phrases
- Không theo sau bởi 1 clause/ prepositional phrase

2. Like: Chỉ dùng để so sánh, không đưa ra ví dụ
- Nếu muốn đưa ra ví dụ thì dùng: X such as/ such X as

3. Not unlike: có 1 chút giống nhau # Like: Giống nhau

4.  không được nghĩ đây là ommited {crafts} in other cultures vì đằng trước không có prepositional phrase


Although it claims to delve into political issues, television can be superficial, as when the three major networks each broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.


As + when: Như khi


- Ví dụ một trường hợp mệnh đề chính xảy ra 
- Tương tự như such as ví dụ Nouns

1. Mặc dù tuyên bố đào sâu vào các vấn đề chính trị, nhưng truyền hình có thể hời hợt, ví dụ như khi ba mạng lớn đều phát chính xác cùng một tuyên bố của một ứng cử viên chính trị.

- the three networks each = plural


Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado


Tương đối ngang bằng (diện tích, size)

X about Y


Just as with X, with Y we must exercise caution.


Ngang bằng: as/ just as + giới từ
Just as with X, with Y + S + V+ O



He is best player
Three most prominent companies
He is the best player
The three most prominent companies

Superlative: So sánh nhất
- So sánh với từ 3 đối tượng trở lên
- Luôn phải có {the}: vì cái đứng thứ nhất luôn xác định và duy nhất


1. The man is five times as old as his grandson


 These leopards are many times rarer than China's giant pandas.


Numbered Comparative: ADJ/ ADV gấp nhiều lần

1. X + V + n times + AS ADJ/ADV AS + Y


Ranked as one of the most important of Europe’s young playwrights


Rank as one of the most important Nouns


1.a The rock weighs twice as much as that one 
1.b. twice as much as water 

2.a. He has three times as many books as does his brother 

2.b. In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day.

3.a. The number of people flying first class on domestic flights rose sharply in 1990, twice as many as the increase in the previous year.

3.b. The number of people flying first class on domestic flights rose sharply in 1990, doubling the increase of the previous year.


Numbered Comparative: NHIỀU gấp nhiều lần
1. X + V+ n times + AS MUCH AS + Y: dùng cho danh từ KHÔNG đếm được 

2.a. X + V + n times + AS MANY AS + Y: dùng cho danh từ đếm được (objects)

2.b. on T1, n times as many Xs V as V on T2: Đảo ngữ, so sánh subjects đếm được



as many as the increase/ the amount/ exports/...: -> Số lượng + số lượng ...  -> redundant
as much as the increase/ the amount/ exports/...: -> Số lượng + số lượng ...  -> redundant


2.a. Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.
2.b. Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany



X% of WHAT1 vs. Y% of WHAT2
- Cần rõ of WHAT1of WHAT2 là gì nếu khác nhau


it = the energy produced in France

33% of WHAT2 = 33 % of the energy produced in France?
2.b. 33% of "the energy produced in Germany"


3.a. According to X, about 20 percent of young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey
3.b. According to X, about 20 percent of young adults used cocaine in 1979, twice the number reported in the 1977 survey


5. Smith hit 50 home runs this season, doubling his career total.
6.b The number of people flying first class on domestic flights rose sharply in 1990, doubling the increase of the previous year.

6.a The number of people flying first class on domestic flights rose sharply in 1990, twice the increase of the previous year.

7. The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit the distant planet.


comma + doubling vs. twice the number/ the increase


Comma + DOUBLING xxxx: 

- comma + present participle

- modify cho mệnh đề trước đó ≈ có một cái gì đó đã tăng và nó tăng gấp đôi

twice the number/ the increase: 

- adj 

- modify cho danh từ ngay trước đó 

- doubling: ko modify được cho mệnh đề 20% of young adults used
- doubling: ko make sense với subject 20%: không thể tự tăng gấp đôi, cũng ko thể tăng gấp đôi - con người= those= young adults

5. - Previously, Smith's career total was 50 home runs. 
- Now, his career total is 100 home runs.

6.b. doubling..: Modify cho cả mệnh đề " the number of people rose" -> rose như thế nào???
6.a. twice the increase: không có noun hợp lý để modify

7. Double to {number}: Tăng gấp đôi lên tới....


1.a. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
1.b. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was of earlier generations

2.b. Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason like an expert—computers that will be used for such purposes as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding whether to authorize a loan
2.a. Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason as an expert does—computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan, or other purposes such as these.

3. Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.


1.a Like đứng cuối câu: S+V+O, like X 
-> cẩn thận ambiguous nếu S, O, X tương đương nhau
i. O <-> X: S +V + O = S + V + X
ii. S <-> X: S +V + O = X + V + O
A. owning ..is a goal of young & goal of earlier ...is a goal of young????

1.b. X is Y, as X is Z
So sánh mối quan hệ của X với cả Y và Z: dùng 2 mệnh đề // + as để đỡ ambiguous

2.b. Nếu O <#> X hoặc S <#> X thì S + V + O, like X không ambiguous

3. comma + like... có thể đứng ở đầu, cuối, giữa câu nếu không ambiguous


1. Her novel was compared to the work of Daniel Defoe


2. The music critic favorably compared him to Bob Dylan


Compared to: Thể hiện sự giống nhau (similarities) 


1. Tiểu thuyết của cô ấy giống với công trình của Daniel Defoe

2. compare A to B



3.2.b. Between 1990 and 2000 the growth of the global economy was more than that during 10,000 years, from when agriculture began


3.2.a Between 1990 and 2000 the global economy grew more than it did during the 10,000 years from the beginning of agriculture to 1950.




3.2.b. growth=process không was more

- a RATE can't be FAST.
- the speed can't be more...
- the height can't be more...
- a height can't be tall 
- a bank account can't be rich



+ growth rate was higher
+ economy grew more

- the rate can be high / great;
- the increase itself can be fast.
- a person can be tall,
- a height can be greater than..
- a person can be rich
- a bank account can contain a large amount of money



1. Unlike a funded pension system, in which contributions are invested to pay future beneficiaries, the foundation of Social Security is a pay-as-you-go approach1. Unlike a funded pension system, in which contributions are invested to pay future beneficiaries, Social Security is founded on a pay-as-you-go approach

2. Like the grassy fields and old pastures ....., the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States...

3. It is possible that, like the Volkswagen, whose unchanging exterior over decades concealed many changes in its internal machinery, many prehistoric microbes evolved without significant modification of their sheaths

Note: Cần đặt các danh từ so sánh trong bối cảnh/ meaning của cả câu. Không chỉ thấy nó khác khác về chủng loại là loại luôn

1. Social Security // a funded pension system /0/ the foundation of Social Security: Tổ chức // system

2. The grass fields and old pastures // the bird: cùng đặt trong bối cảnh là bị vanishing


1.a As her brother did, Ava aced the test

1.a' As her brother, Ava aced the test

1.b Thai village crafts have developed, as have those of other cultures, . . .

1.b' Thai village crafts, as have those of other cultures, have developed..

2. In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of them in middle management and light industry.
- The lawyer made history with the case of X, as with the case of Y


3. Traffic safety officials predict that drivers will be as likely to exceed the proposed speed limit as they are the current one.


As - so sánh
1. As + Clause (S+V): 
- As clause luôn đứng trước/ sau mệnh đề chính, không nằm ở giữa

2. As Prep phrase,... (≈ clause khi omitted)

3. Công thức tổng:  AS X, AS Y 

= S1+ V1 + as adj/adv as + S2 +V2 


X= drivers will be likely to exceed the proposed speed limit 

Y= they are (likely to exceed) the current one


1. Dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do 


2. Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales, as much because their sales a year earlier had been so bad as because shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday gifts.


As much...as

{Ss1 cost} + twice as much to do sth as + {Ss2 do}


1. With winter coming, I will have higher energy bills


Comparative: So sánh hơn
- So sánh 2 thứ, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn với Adj/ Adv
- Nếu có More/ Adj_er/ Adv_er thì phải có than, ko đi với "rather than/ instead of/ compared to"

1. Meaning: Không có {than}. So sánh energy bills của upcomming winter với energy bills của cái gì? Tháng trước, năm trước hay nhà hàng xóm?


A leading figure in the Scottish enlightenment, Adam Smith wrote two major books that are to democratic capitalism what Marx’s Das Kapital is to socialism.


X1 làm với Y1 giống cái cách mà X2 làm với Y2
X1 is to Y1 what X2 is to Y2


In addition to having more protein than wheat does, rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.


So sánh hơn: 2 thành phần 
Khi nào cần that/ those

X + V + K of higher quality than {that in Y}

*Các thành phần PHÍA TRƯỚC comparison term (less/ more) của X cần được đưa vào đủ trong Y để có thể hiểu được.
Ở đây nếu bỏ "that": sẽ không biết là đang so sánh protein của rice với cái gì của wheat


1. The moon is smaller than [it was] yesterday
2. Covid-19 may be far more prevalent than [it was] previously thought [to have been]

3. The guests were earlier than I expected (they would be).
4. The food was spicier than I wanted (the food tobe)
5. The experiment has produced more startling results than anyone could have predicted (the experiement would have produced).


Omitted words
Tips: Nếu phân vân thì nên chọn cấu trúc CẤU TRÚC CÓ TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ/ từ nào khác làm cho cấu trúc so sánh dễ hiểu hơn
Cấu trúc so sánh càng dài, càng rõ càng tốt

2. Thể bị động: Nếu có {it} thì cần có {to have been}
3.4.5. Thể chủ động: Omit cả mệnh đề phía trước


Although air traffic routes over the North Pole are currently used by only two or three planes a day, a joint Canadian–Russian study has found that opening those routes to thousands more commercial planes a year is both feasible and desirable.


Tăng thêm/ mở rộng thêm

Number + more X


As Hurricane Hugo approached the Atlantic coast, it increased dramatically in strength, becoming the tenth most intense hurricane to hit the United States mainland in the twentieth century and the most intense since Camille in 1969


So sánh nhất/ top 
X + V + the n_th most Noun
- V: thường là linking verb (tobe, become,)


2. I spend LESS than I did last year

- I spend LOWER than I did last year.
- If Joe and John were soccer players, Joe would score less than John this year. (frequency)
- 60 is 40 percent less than 100.


3.1.a The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.

3.1.b The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times more than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.

3.2 My bills are LOWER than they were last year.


3.3. The Arthritis Research Institute of America advises women of color that their likelihood of getting osteoarthritis of the knee is twice as much as White women

The Arthritis Research Institute of America advises women of color that they are twice as likely as White women to get osteoarthritis of the knee.

4.a. John's father has had a greater influence on the development of his personality than has his mother. --> correct

4.b. The Prime Minister has more power than the King, even though the latter is the country's titular leader. --> correct
- 41 tons of rice is less than 50 tons.


1. Cụm danh từ đếm được (Countable noun phrases)
- More/ Fewer than

2. - Cụm danh từ không đếm được hoặc đếm được, nhưng không sờ nắm được (Thời gian, tiền, khoảng cách, diện tích, frequency, percent)
- hoặc modify cho động từ/ tính từ để compare
=> More/ Less than


3. - Mức độ/ cấp bậc/ số lượng/ khả năng (AGE/ DEGREE/ LEVEL/ NUMBER/ LIKELIHOOD, Rate, Priority
- Things that are literally (= physically) LOWER than other things: elevation, ceiling
- Hoặc modify cho danh từ/ tobe để compare
=> Greater/larger/ higher/ lower

4. Abstract characteristic of something (power, influence, effect, etc.)
- a/an + greater" 
- "more" (Không có 'a/an')


According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about equivalent to/equal to the enrollment of the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.


According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, as many as are enrolled in the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.


So sánh số lượng với số lượng
- Không so sánh con số với collective group: the enrollment, group,.... 

- Nên dùng:  (the number of people who) are + V_ed

- Không nên dùng equivalent - so sánh về quality, function/ equal - so sánh về sự công bằng
- Nên dùng {as many as} khi so sánh về số lượng


Just like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age.

She sounds just like her mom



Giống hệt: X + V + just like + Y

So sánh 1 người vs nhiều người - chỉ mang tính tương tự, không thể 1 người giống hệt nhiều người.

Không sử dụng just like khi chỉ biểu hiện nghĩa tương tự


1. People often cannot buy the same foods abroad as in their home countries.
2. As in the wild, cats often go into "hunting mode" indoors upon seeing a bird.

3.a. In no other historical sighting did Halley's comet cause such a worldwide sensation as did its return in 1910-1911.

3.b In no other historical sighting did Halley's comet cause such a worldwide sensation as in its return of 1910-1911.

4. Nowhere in early American literature is the influence of Jane Austen more apparent than in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper.

5.a The air quality of las vegas was higher in 2007 than was that in 1997

5.b The air quality of las vegas was higher in 2007 than in 1997
5.c. The air quality of las vegas in 2007 was higher than that in 1997

6. A researcher claims that a tornado of a given size and strength is likely to cause more deaths, both proportionately and in absolute numbers, in the southeastern region of the United States than in the northeastern.

7. According to research covering the last decade, occupancy and room rates grew faster for high-end hotel chains than for the average hotel.


So sánh: cụm giới từ/ trạng từ 



- Cần có cụm giới từ/ trạng từ song song trong main clause 

3.b. 4. Đảo ngữ - Trạng từ 1 + Verb + Subject + cụm so sánh + Trạng từ 2 

3a. So sánh: {the comet itself} /0/ {the comet's return}
3b. So sánh: {In no other historical sighting} // {in its return of 1910-1911}

5.a. that in 1997, nhưng không có The air quality of las vegas in 2007


1. The critic described John's performance as more important to popular music concert history than was any other performance

2. According to the critic, John's performance WAS more important to popular music concert history than WAS any other performance


2.a With cloning technology, scientists are approaching what has long been the ultimate goal of modern husbandry: achieving a consistency of quality and production in farm animals as once thought to be limited to manufactured goods.


2.b. With cloning technology, scientists are approaching what has long been the ultimate goal of modern husbandry: achieving a consistency of quality and production in farm animals THAT was once thought to be limited to manufactured goods.



More on Comparison: Parallelism
1. Right to left: Đằng sau có {was} mà đằng trước không có [tobe]

(What) was any other performance: Cũng ko hợp lý

2.a. Có "as thought to be"không có tobe ở trước


In a recent poll, 86 percent of the public favored a Clean Air Act at least as strong as the present act.


Tối thiểu
X + tobe + at least AS adj AS + Y


1.a. Inuits of the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.

1.b. Inuits of the Bering Sea were isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.


3. I walk as fast now as [I walked] when I was younger

4. He is afraid of ghost less than his wife
4.1. He is afraid of ghost less than his wife is [afraid of ghost]
- He is afraid of ghost less than is his wife
4.2. He is afraid of ghost less than he is [afraid of] his wife

5.a I can run as fast now as in high school

5.b. I can run as fast now as i could in high school



Omitted words
- Trong cấu trúc so sánh, từ nào lặp lại thì có thể bỏ qua, miễn là không có sự hiểu nhầm về mặt ý nghĩa
-> Lắp phần bị giản lược vào để xem câu này so sánh đúng hay sai

4.1. Subject-Verb có thể đổi chỗ

5.Nên có động từ: nếu thay đổi timeframe-> thay đổi thì


9. Verbals

(0 cards)

10. Idiom

(4 cards)

By the mid-seventeenth century, Amsterdam had built a new town hall so large that only St. Peter’s in Rome, the Escorial in Spain, and the Palazza Ducale in Venice could rival it for scale or magnificence.

(A) could rival it for

(B) were the rivals of it in their

(C) were its rival as to

(D) could be its rivals in their

(E) were rivaling its


 A, B, and C could rival X FOR {attributes}


B. rivals of it ≈ its rivals

B.D. rivals of X in their scale or magnificence: ko dùng giới từ "in" ->

THEIR scale and magnificence -> đây là general concept, ko thuộc sở hữu của cái nào cả

D. could be: tác giả đang xem xét, ko chắc chắn 100%

-> change meaning: các đối thủ duy nhất của Amsterdam's new hall chỉ bao gồm những công trình kia

E. A,B, and C were rivaling its scale or magnificence. <=> A,B, &C vs.  its scale or magnificence????

Ko có lý do dùng quá khứ tiếp diễn



One of Ronald Reagan’s first acts as President was to rescind President Carter’s directive that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sale to other countries.

(A) that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sale to other countries

(B) that any chemical be prohibited from sale to other countries that was banned on medical grounds in the United States

(C) prohibiting the sale to other countries of any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States

(D) prohibiting that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States is sold to other countries

(E) that any chemical banned in the United States on medical grounds is prohibited from being sold to other countries


One of Ronald Reagan’s first acts as President was to rescind President Carter’s directive that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sale to other countries.

(A) that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sale to other countries

(B) that any chemical be prohibited from sale to other countries that was banned on medical grounds in the United States

(C) prohibiting the sale to other countries of any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States

(D) prohibiting that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States is sold to other countries

(E) that any chemical banned in the United States on medical grounds is prohibited from being sold to other countries

1. Right

- prohibiting something

- prohibiting somebody from doing sth

- somebody is prohibited from doing sth


2. Wrong

- prohibit something from doing something
- something is prohibited from doing something

-> Đối tượng bị prohibit chỉ có thể là con người


-> loại A.B.D.E


Recent breakthroughs in technology have made it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to 35-millimeter film and to project it digitally in theaters with no resulting loss of image quality.

(A) it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to

(B) it possible to have high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like that with

(C) it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material with a degree of fidelity nearly comparable to that of

(D) possible high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like

(E) possible high-definition digital video cameras able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to that with



- Make it possible for X to do sth


-> loại D.E.


to project // to capture

B. D. can capture

A.E. possible + able to/: redundant

B. who HAS the cameras?

B.D. capture + at ->  capture + with

A.B. D. E.->  a degree of fidelity vs. that of 35-millimeter film




On the Great Plains, nineteenth-century settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, doing it without timber and nails.

(A) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, doing it without

(B) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, did it without

(C) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, making them while not having

(D) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, making do without

(E) settlers’ homes were built of mud and grass, making do without


On the Great Plains, nineteenth-century settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, doing it without timber and nails.

(A) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, doing it without

(B) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, did it without

(C) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, making them while not having

(D) settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, making do without

(E) settlers’ homes were built of mud and grass, making do without


C. making them =  build their homes => redundant

while not having < without


make do = get the job done 

D. ko bị redundant


11. Style

(34 cards)

Were it not for the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush from its core, a star would collapse under its own weight


Were it not for sth, S + would V
Nếu không phải vì sth, S đã V


Although various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, it was not almost until 1900 when scholars and critics began to seriously study


Although various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, it was not until almost 1900 that scholars and critics seriously began studying


1. It was not until {time} that clause
It was not until 1900 +  when

2. until almost 1900 
Almost + until 1900


1.a. In February 1995, Doris Schopper became president of the international council of Medecins sans Frontieres, in English named as “Doctors Without Borders,” the world's largest independent, international, voluntary emergency medical assistance and relief organization.


1.b. In February 1995, Doris Schopper became president of the international council of Medecins sans Frontieres, known in English as “Doctors Without Borders,” the world's largest independent, international, voluntary emergency medical assistance and relief organization.


- Tobe KNOWN AS: Được biết đến với cái tên là ...

- Tobe NAMED: được đặt tên là....
+ không dùng named as


Redundant 3

- per capita...per person
- different + in comparison to/ compared to
- a ratio of 42 times
- how likely + will: likely đã mang nghĩa tương lai
- not + barely/ hardly: không + không đủ
- reply back
- repeatedly ≈ over and over gain
- during ≈ At the time
- well know + as much as
- probably + estimate
- both X and also Y
- certainly + as: chắc chắn là + vai trò như là




1.b. Bicycles are owned by three out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States

2.b. Fashion is a concern of teenage girls.


1.a Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.

2.a. Teenage girls are concerned with fashion.


Viết xuôi/ ngược -> thay đổi meaning

1.a. Nói về automobile owners >< 1.b. Nói về bicycles
1.b. ám chỉ bicycles được sở hữu phần lớn bởi automobile owners
1.a. Ám chỉ 3/5 automobile oweners sở hữu bicycles

2.a. Nói về teenage girls >< 2.b. Nói về fashion
2.b. ám chỉ fashion được concern phần lớn bởi teenage girls
2.a. ám chỉ hiếm có teenage girls nào không quan tâm đến fashion


1. Government officials announced that not appreciable increase in the level of the river had resulted from the intermittent showers that had fallen throughout the area the day before.


1. Government officials announced that no appreciable increase in the level of the river had resulted from the intermittent showers that had fallen throughout the area the day before.


1. No + noun
2. Helping verb + not + verb


A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and at a lower cost


S is able to do sth, and at a lower cost


1. A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat stored long enough to have rotted.


1. A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat stored long enough to have rotted.

2. Both the caribou and the reindeer belong to the species Rangifer tarandus, but after 7,000 years of domestication in Eurasia, reindeer have developed a tendency to circle in tight groups, while caribou tend to spread far and wide.


1. tend to/ not to Verb
2. have tendency to


1. A storm is approaching the Atlantic coast.
-> What appears to be a hurricane is approaching the Atlantic coast.

2. Jonny donated several thousand dollars to a fake charity.
Jonny donated several thousand dollars to what appeared to be a genuine charity, but was in fact a criminal enterprise.


What verbs = Noun


1. Noting that the Federal Reserve had raised a key short-term interest rate against last month, analysts said that they expected orders for durable goods to decline soon because rising interest rates make it more expensive to buy items on credit or to borrow substantial sums of money

2. Noting that the Federal Reserve had raised a key short-term interest rate against last month, analysts said that they expected orders for durable goods to decline soon because rising interest rates make buying on credit more expensive


1. Make it + adj. + to do ABCXYZ": 
- Nếu to do ABCXYZ rất dài

2. Make + doing sth + adj: 
- Nếu doing sth ngắn


1. The train was delayed because of the rain 

2. The train was delayed by the conductor



1. BECAUSE OF: indirect causation
- the rain itself did not directly delay the train
- the rain set off a chain of consequences, because of which people decided to delay the train.

2. BY/ THROUGH: direct causation
- the conductor him/herself directly delayed the train by his/her own actions


Redundant 2


- Because..., ≈ as a result/ therefore/ so....
- Because of ≈ the result of
- (Even) though ....but
- Seem likely ≈ may be
- Population ≈ Amount
- turning to somebody for help ≈ from them
- combination of X and Y both
- ever more pricise (+ more) = more and more pricise
- the number of increase -> the increase: increase đã có number trong đấy
- Of Xs..., S + V of them




1. Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.

2. Most students at this university ride a bicycle to class.

3. It's December, so 9 out of 10 New Yorkers will be wearing a black overcoat.

4. 60% of the married couples in this city have children.


- {Number} out of 10 Xs + V + an object
- Most Xs + V + an object

-> mỗi X một object

4. Nhiều couple có nhiều hơn 1 đứa trẻ


So dogged were Frances Perkins' investigations of the garment industry, so persistent her lobbying for wage and hour reform, that Alfred E. Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt recruited Perkins to work within the government, rather than as a social worker.


So adj + tobe S1, so adj + S2, that clause

  • vẫn là kiểu so...that. 
  • Nhưng có kiểu đảo ngữ và nhấn mạnh
  • Không cần verb cho S2

The interior minister explained that one of the best characteristics of the village’s planning proposal was that it did not detract from the project’s overall benefit by being a burden on the development budget.


One of the best characteristics of X is that clause


B. An array of tax incentives has led to a boom in the construction of new office buildings; capital has been so abundant for commercial real estate, so that investors regularly scour the country for areas in which to build.


A. An array of tax incentives has led to a boom in the construction of new office buildings; so abundant has capital been for commercial real estate that investors regularly scour the country for areas in which to build.


Đảo ngữ so...that
So adj has + Subject + been for sth that + Clause 

B. Cẩn thận với việc "so" lặp lại 2 lần, dù câu thẳng ko đảo ngữ


Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo’s development.


Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo’s development.


Both X and Y 


Both when X and Y


Logical wording: luôn đi cùng
1. ultimately + will
2. V1...., simultaneously + V2
-> Làm việc V1, đồng thời thực hiện V2
-> simultaneously: Luôn đứng cạnh và modify cho V2





The three women, liberal activists who strongly support legislation in favor of civil rights and environmental protection, have consistently received the unqualified support of labor

(D) receive consistent and unqualified support by labor

(E) are receiving consistent and unqualified support by labor


- receive sth FROM Y/ OF Y
- receive sth BY Y

- support OF/ FROM sb
- support BY sb


Redundant 1 
- At first ≈ begin
- Annual ≈ a year/ each year
- More ≈ increasingly/ increase
- increase + upward/ up to/, rising/ 
- Since ≈, promting/..promt: Vì..., nó thúc dục S V O 
- Since...,≈ consequently....
- after which ≈ subsequently
- provisions ....provide: Các quy định...quy định là
- in the past ≈ previously
- canpotentially/ likely ≈ sometimes
- attempt ≈ try




It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology


It can hardly be said that somebody are at fault for not V_ing


a. Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances, it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.


b. Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances, its effect on their size is not likely to be significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.


likely to Verb/ It is likely that X will
+ Viết ở hiện tại, phỏng đoán tương lai
=> a. is significant - hiện tại là sai


D. According to United States census data, even though in 1975 there were about one‐third of mothers with young children who worked outside the home, almost two‐thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home in 2000


C. According to United States census data, in 1975 about one-third of mothers with young children worked outside the home; in 2000, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home


Biểu diễn 2 data: Clause 1; clause 2
2 mệnh đề độc lập cách nhau bởi chấm phảy.

- Chả có gì supprisingly để phải có eventhough cả
- Modifier: {who worked outside the home} modify {young children} thay vì {mother}
- Đừng cố tạo ra một relationship giữa 2 mệnh đề độc lập


2.a. Often major economic shifts are so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished at first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets.
2.b. Often major economic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets.
3.b. I'm currently unable to be hired by the XX Corporation, because my visa application is still pending. ( < can not be hired)


2. Passive vs. Active
a. Passive voice chỉ nên được sử dụng khi có lý do thực sự hấp dẫn cho nó

b. ability to/ capacity of / able to/ capable of + active voice
- Khả năng thì đa số dùng dạng chủ động
* Ngoại trừ số ít TH: subject + có/ không thể được "done" một cái gì đó (vd 3.b)

c. can/ could + active / passive voice
- can = ability: nhưng có thể + passive voice
- could = possibility


Even though it was not illegal for the bank to share its customers' personal and financial information with an outside marketing company in return for a commission on sales, the state's attorney general accused the bank of engaging in deceptive business practices by failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep records private.


fail (v) to do sth
a failure to do sth
a promise to sb to do sth
a promise of Noun


The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a firm's external environment and internal conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analysis in deciding on a strategy


The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a firm's external environment and internal conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide on a strategy


1. S+ suggest/ indicate/....THAT ...and THAT...
- S+ suggest/ indicate/....THAT S + V1 and V2

2. S+ suggest/ indicate/....THAT ...and...: ambiguous
- S+ suggest/ indicate/....THAT (1) ...and (2)...
- (1) S+ suggest/ indicate/....THAT ...and (2)...


The four-million-year-old fossilized skeleton known as Lucy is so small compared with many other skeleton presumed to be of same species, and so some paleontologists have argued that Lucy represents a different lineage.

(A) presumed to be of same species, and so
(B) presumed to be of the same species that
(C) presumed that they are of same species, and so
(D) that they have presumed to be of the same species, so that
(E) that they have presumed are of the same species, and


Federal authorities involved in the investigation have found the local witnesses are difficult to locate, reticent, and suspicious of strangers.



Không phải lúc nào 3 cụm tính từ song song cũng giống hệt
S found that X is difficult to do sth, adj2, and adj3 of sth


A decade after initiating the nation's most comprehensive and aggressive antismoking program, California has seen per capita consumption of cigarettes decline from over 125 packs annually to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as that


Has seen/ saw/ watched + sb/ sth + V_INFINITIVE
Thấy sb/sth làm gì


1.a. New Jersey reports one of the five highest number of cases of Lyme disease in the United States.
c. New Jersey’s is one of the five highest numbers in reporting
1.b. New Jersey has one of the five highest numbers of reported cases of Lyme disease in the United States.

2.a. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical procedures.
2.b. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage without another doctor’s testimony about proper medical procedures

3.a. The Gorton-Dodd bill requires that banks disclose to customers how long access to funds from their deposited check is to be delayed

3.b. The Gorton-Dodd bill requires that a bank disclose to its customers how long it will delay access to funds from deposited checks


1. One of {plural nouns}
c. New Jersey's= New Jersey's numbers: plural # is= singular

2. Some other {plural nouns}

3. its + singular/ their + plural (normally)
- nếu mỗi cá nhân sở hữu một thứ riêng
a. to be delayed: ai thực hiện delay? mất vai trò của bank


Cash flows to stock and bond mutual funds have gained strength in the last two months, but fund managers have not been eager to invest the new money, instead of preferring to raise the cash levels in their portfolios at the highest level in six months.

(A) have not been eager to invest the new money, instead of preferring to raise the cash levels in their portfolios at

(B) have not been eager to invest the new money, instead preferring to raise the cash levels in their portfolios to

(C) have not been eager at investing the new money, instead of preferring to raise the cash levels in their portfolios to

(D) were not eager to invest the new money, instead of preferring to raise the cash levels the cash levels in their portfolios at

(E) were not eager at investing the new money, instead preferring to raise the cash levels in their portfolios to


1. X instead of Y: X, Y = Noun / Noun Phrase

Instead = adverb -> comma + instead preferring = averbial modifier của mệnh đề phía trước

2. eager at -> eager to

3. raise sth at -> raise sth to


Circadian dysrhythmia, as jet lag is called by medical practitioners, disrupts virtually all of the body's thousands of neural, hormonal, and metabolic processes.


X, as Y is called by Sb, V
X, cái mà cũng được gọi là Y bởi sb, V....


During Roosevelt’s years in office Black Americans began voting for Democrats rather than Republicans in national elections, but Black support for Democrats at the state and local levels developed only after when civil rights legislation was supported by Harry Truman.


During Roosevelt’s years in office Black Americans began voting for Democrats rather than Republicans in national elections, but Black support for Democrats at the state and local levels developed only after Harry Truman’s support of civil rights legislation


Before/ After + Nouns / S-V
- Sau after là 1 hành động/ clause thể hiện 1 mốc thời gian

1. After + When relative clause/ Thì hoàn thành


illogical wording 

- tobe accounting for: fact ko dùng hiện tại tiếp diễn

- in fact + possibly: fact + có thể??? 


